Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 43 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The draft joint information circular entitled  amount of BRL31.8bn (about $6bn), equivalent
       “Notice of Annual and Special Meeting of the  to BRL2.437865 per common and preferred
       Shareholders and Joint Information Circular  share outstanding.
       with Respect to a Proposed Amalgamation   This payment added to the BRL31.6bn
       involving United Hunter Oil & Gas Corp. and  announced on August 4, 2021, totals BRL63.4bn
       Bocana Resources Ltd.” and the accompanying  (about $12bn) in anticipation to shareholders
       supporting documentation, will be reviewed by  related to 2021 fiscal year.
       the Exchange over the next several weeks and   The distribution considers Petrobras’
       the Exchange will provide any comments back  expected results and cash generation for 2021,
       to the parties for further review and considera-  being compatible with the company’s financial
       tion prior to filing the joint information circular  sustainability, without compromising its trajec-
       on SEDAR, which will contain details regarding  tory of debt reduction and liquidity, in line with
       the Transaction, the amalgamation, the private  the principles of the Dividend Policy.
       placement, UHO, Bocana and the Resulting   The additional amount will be paid in  of Strategy and New Businesses, taking over for
       Issuer.                             December, together with the amount already  Juan Manuel Rojas. Nicolás Azcuénaga is a busi-
         Completion of the proposed Transaction is  approved on August 4, 2021, with record date on  ness administrator from Colegio de Estudios
       subject to a number of conditions precedent,  December 1st, 2021 and payment on December  Superiores de Administración (CESA), has a
       including, but not limited to, (i) shareholder  15, 2021. Therefore, the total amount to be paid  diploma from Manchester University & Inter-
       approval from both Bocana and UHO share-  in December will be distributed as follows:  national Compliance Association and has more
       holders; and (ii) acceptance by the Exchange and   Amount to be paid in December: BRL42.4bn,  than 20 years of work experience, 16 of them in
       receipt of other applicable regulatory approvals.  equivalent to BRL3.250487 gross value per com-  the Oil and Gas industry.
       There can be no assurance that the Transaction  mon and preferred share outstanding, being:   The new Vice President has held leadership
       will be completed as proposed or at all.  (a) BRL10.6bn, equivalent to BRL0.812622  positions for financial and commercial manage-
         Shareholder approval is required with  gross value per common and preferred share  ment in different countries, such as Colombia,
       respect to the Transaction under the rules of the  outstanding, approved on August 4, 2021; (b)  the United Kingdom and Brazil. In Ecopetrol,
       Exchange and applicable corporate statutes. In  BRL31.8bn, equivalent to BRL2.437865 gross  he has served as CFO for the Upstream Sub-
       the event any of the conditions set forth above  value per common and preferred share out-  sidiaries in the Corporate Vice Presidency of
       are not completed or the Transaction does not  standing, approved on October 28,2021.  Finance, where he has been responsible for the
       proceed, the Corporation will notify sharehold-  Record date: December 1, 2021, for holders  financial oversight of various transactions, such
       ers. Trading in the common shares of the Cor-  of Petrobras shares traded on B3, and December  as the acquisition by Hocol of the assets of the
       poration will remain halted and is not expected  3, 2021, for ADR holders. Petrobras shares will  Chuchupa Ballena assets, the acquisition of a
       to resume trading until the Transaction is com-  be traded ex-dividends on B3 and NYSE as of  strategic position in the Permian and the Gato
       pleted or until the Exchange receives the requi-  December 2, 2021.      do Mato asset in Brazil, among others. Since May
       site documentation to resume trading.  Payment date: for holders of Petrobras shares  2021, he has been leading the team in charge of
         While the audits that were overseen and  traded on B3 payment will be made on Decem-  Ecopetrol’s acquisition of the stake owned by
       reviewed, included two languages, three dif-  ber 15, 2021. ADR holders will receive the pay-  the Republic of Colombia through the Ministry
       ferent currencies and four entities, Bocana and  ment on December 22, 2021.  of Finance and Public Credit in Interconexión
       United Hunter are aware that it has taken much   Form of distribution: Petrobras will declare  Eléctrica SA (ISA).
       longer than the management of both entities  and communicate the form of distribution (div-  The Company hereby thanks Juan Manuel
       originally anticipated. However, Bocana is very  idends and/or interest on equity) prior to the  Rojas for his work and the achievements made
       pleased to report the progress made to date and  record date.            for the Ecopetrol Group.
       looks forward to seeing the results of our onsite   The amounts paid in advance to sharehold-  Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia
       geophysical work for the Escala area concessions  ers as dividends and/or interest on equity, read-  and one of the main integrated energy compa-
       and the comments back from the Exchange in  justed by the Selic rate from the payment date  nies in the American continent, with more than
       the coming weeks.                   until the end of the year, will be discounted from  17,000 employees. In Colombia, it accounts for
       United Hunter Oil & Gas, October 21 2021  the mandatory minimum dividends, includ-  more than 60% of hydrocarbon production,
                                           ing the minimum dividend owed to preferred  and most of the hydrocarbon transportation,
                                           shares.                              logistics and refining systems, and has leading
       FINANCIAL                           Petrobras, October 28 2021           positions in petrochemicals and gas distribution.
                                                                                With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA’s shares, it
       Petrobras approves                  MOVES                                participates in energy transmission, manage-
                                                                                ment of real-time systems (XM) and the Con-
       additional payment                  Ecopetrol appoints new               cesión Costera Barranquilla-Cartagena. At the
                                                                                international level, Ecopetrol focuses on strate-
       of remuneration to                  Corporate VP of strategy             gic basins on the American continent, with E&P
                                                                                operations in the United States (the Permian
       shareholders                                                             basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil and Mex-
                                                                                ico, and through ISA and its subsidiaries it has
       Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors,   and new businesses      leading positions in the transmission business in
       at a meeting held today, approved the payment  Ecopetrol hereby reports that starting November  Brazil, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, in road conces-
       of a new anticipation of remuneration to share-  1, 2021, Nicolás Azcuénaga Ramírez has been  sions in Chile, and in telecommunications.
       holders for fiscal year 2021, in the total gross  appointed as the new Corporate Vice President   Ecopetrol, October 26 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   28•October•2021
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