Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 43 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       PetroRio starts production

       from TBMT-10H well at

       Tubarao Martelo field

       PetroRio has announced the start of production
       of the TBMT-10H well, in the Tubarao Martelo
       field (TBMT), with initial production of approx-
       imately 3,800 barrels per day (bpd) of oil, still in
       the assessment period.
         The TBMT-10H well was drilled in 2013 and
       upper completion, installation and connection
       to the Bravo FPSO, recently accomplished by  is now significant and will impact our 2021 pro-  public consultation and hearing by the ANP, as
       PetroRio, represents an investment of $17.5mn,  duction guidance. We now aim to have the Tie-4  a measure of transparency, legitimacy and legal
       with an estimated payback period of less than  horizontal on production by the end of the year.”  security.
       three months.                          Lindvall continued: “On the other hand, the   The decision to adhere to the Agreement is
         The well’s estimated recoverable volume of  immediate impact of the deferred production is  in line with the risk management policy associ-
       3.7mn barrels will be reclassified from Proven  cushioned by the current strong oil market and  ated with contingency management and with the
       Undeveloped Reserves to Proved Developed  we still continue to build our cash balance despite  strategy of generating value through the negotia-
       Producing Reserves in the next reserves certifi-  the delay of bringing Tie-4 on production.”  tion of amounts in dispute.
       cation report. This incremental production will   Maha Energy, October 21 2021  Petrobras, October 22 2021
       also benefit from the royalty rate reduction of
       5%, as approved by ANP in July 2021.
         The well’s start of operation is another step  DOWNSTREAM              SERVICES
       in the cluster’s revitalisation and life extension,
       both fundamental parts of PetroRio’s business   Petrobras comments on    Vallourec signs
       PetroRio, October 26 2021           agreement with ANP for               agreement for supply

       Maha Energy announces               operation of SIX plant               of line pipes in Guyana
       delay in Tie-4 completion           Petrobras informs that, on 10/14/2021, its Exec-  Vallourec today announces that it has signed a
                                                                                10-year frame agreement with Esso Explora-
                                           utive Board analyzed and approved the submis-
       The Tie-4 horizontal well suffered an additional  sion to the Board of Directors of a proposal to  tion and Production Guyana Ltd (EEPGL), an
       setback whilst getting ready to run production  enter into an Agreement between Petrobras and  affiliate of ExxonMobil, one of the largest inter-
       casing. Stuck pipe in the hole now requires a  the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas  national energy companies, to supply line pipe
       sidetrack which is being initiated. The new  and Biofuels (ANP) related to royalties on the  products in Guyana.
       completion date of Tie-4 is anticipated to be  operation of the Shale Industrialisation Unit   The agreement enables long-term line pipe
       around the end of the year. The delay in Tie-4 has  (SIX), located in São Mateus do Sul/PR. The  supply by defining contractual and commercial
       resulted in the deferral of 171,000 BOE, or 469  terms of the agreement were approved today by  terms to support EEPGL’s future oil & gas devel-
       BOEPD of production on an annualised basis.  the ANP’s collegiate board and will still be ana-  opments in this strategic basin. EEPGL operates
         The range for 2021 annual average produc-  lyzed by Petrobras’ Board of Directors.  the Stabroek Block (26,800 square km), where
       tion is now 3,500-4,000 boepd. The 2021 exit   The agreement proposal involves an install-  approximately 10bn barrels of oil equivalent
       rate estimate of 5,000 boepd and 5,500 boepd  ment payment of BRL559mn (amount based  (boe) have been discovered since 2015.
       remains unchanged, provided Tie-4 is hooked  on June 21, to be updated until the agreement is   Vallourec is positioning itself as a strategic
       up and placed on production before the end of  signed), of which BRL302mn have already been  supplier of seamless tubes for future projects
       the year. Production for the year is down 12.5%  provisioned in the 2Q21 financial statements.  in Guyana to build subsea flowlines and risers.
       compared to prior guidance; however, offsetting   The beginning of the payment by the com-  Vallourec line pipe is manufactured to the tight-
       the deferred volumes is a robust oil market that  pany will occur after the signing of the Agree-  est tolerance required for deepwater pipeline
       dampens the impact on the estimated revenue  ment and will result in the termination of all legal  installations.
       for 2021.The average production rate for the  and administrative proceedings related to the   Vallourec is offering a wide variety of steel
       third quarter of 2021 was 3,610 boepd.  collection of royalties and administrative fines  grades to address the needs of the most demand-
         Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha Energy AB  arising from the mining of oil shale performed  ing offshore projects, including the X80 grade,
       comments: “The Agua Grande (AG) reservoir  at SIX, as well as in the execution of a conces-  for use in corrosive deep-water environments.
       was encountered higher than anticipated in the  sion agreement between Petrobras and ANP to  This innovative steel, developed by Vallourec
       Tie-4 horizontal, which is positive, but whilst  discipline the research and mining of shale at  experts, offers excellent mechanical properties
       pulling out of hole to run production casing, the  SIX. The terms of the agreement, as well as the  while ensuring good weldability and corrosion
       bottom hole assembly became stuck. The delay  draft concession agreement, will be submitted to  resistance.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   28•October•2021
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