Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 43 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Edouard Guinotte, CEO of Vallourec, says: “I am  an average particle size of 4 to 100 microns.  of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
       pleased that we have been awarded this impor-  The FourPhase DualFlow was chosen due to  This contract has Petrobras as operator, with
       tant line pipe contract with ExxonMobil, our  the limited space on the platform deck. The tech-  100% stake, and encompasses other fields
       long-standing partner and customer. Guyana,  nology is the only dual cyclone desander on the  besides the Catuá field, which will not be part of
       like Brazil, is one of our sector’s flagship regions  market with a 6.7 x 6.7-foot (2 x 2-metre) foot-  the present assignment of rights process.
       and, thanks to the decisions we have made and  print. The smallest desander available, its mod-  The concession area is located in the terri-
       the competitiveness of our industrial routes, we  ular design was strategically developed to create  torial waters of the Espírito Santo State, about
       are able to serve the region’s most important  a flexible, stackable, and compact solution also  128 km off the coast, in water depths that vary
       projects.”                          incorporating a choke manifold skid within this  between 1,700 and 1,950 metres. There are four
         Guinotte concluded: “I would like to thank  footprint.                 wells drilled in the Field where light oils were
       ExxonMobil for their trust and congratulate the   This operation only required a four-person  found in carbonate reservoirs.
       entire Vallourec project team which has been  (two + two) crew to operate and the DualFlow   Petrobras, October 22 2021
       able to present a tailor-made offer that incorpo-  was controlled from a remote location on site
       rates the best of our Research and Development  to minimise the exposure of personnel. As the   United Hunter Oil & Gas
       and is thus ideally placed to provide optimum  first automated solids management system with
       support for all future projects, without ever los-  remote operation capabilities available on the   issues update on proposed
       ing sight of excellence in execution.”  market, the system has the capability to remove
         Vallourec will serve its customer from its  POB completely and be fully remote where the   amalgamation with Bocana
       Brazilian base, comprising two competitive  rigs infrastructure allows. The system deliv-
       high-performance factories located in Jeceaba  ers solids-free production flow while reducing   Resources
       and Barreiro (Minas Gerais), benefiting from  operational costs, reducing emissions from per-
       large production capacities enabling it to supply  sonnel logistics and eliminating risks related to  United Hunter Oil & Gas Corp. (UHO) is
       the important volumes required by EEPGL for  human error.                pleased to provide an update as to the status of
       future projects in Guyana.             Øyvind Heradstveit, CEO at FourPhase,  the financials and geophysical work being done
       Vallourec, October 26 2021          comments: “Removing nearly 350 kg of solids  on the previously announced amalgamation
                                           from a well is an achievement. Given it was the  agreement with Bocana Resources Ltd.
       FourPhase removes 348               first time a desander has been used in the region,   Further to the news release announcing the
                                           it makes it even more special. We look forward  closing of the non-brokered offering on April 12,
       kg of solids in first-ever          to working with more clients in the region and  2021, Bocana has largely completed its required
                                           pushing our technology to new and exciting  audited statements for the purposes of the Trans-
       desander project in Trinidad        limits. We are fully committed to bringing our  action. This includes the audits of both Bolivian
                                           cleaner technology to the Americas. This was a  entities (Huiracocha International Service, SRL
       FourPhase, the solids and production perfor-  big month for us as we retrofitted two desand-  and Inversiones Bocana SA), along with Bocana
       mance specialist for the oil and gas sector, has  ers to cater specifically for the region, as well as  and UHO, and the consolidated financials of the
       announced the first ever successful desander  appointed our Executive Vice President for the  Resulting Issuer. Additionally, this week, Bocana
       operation in the wider Trinidad region. The  Americas, Caleb Roquemore.  and UHO submitted the initial documents for
       operation was successfully completed without   FourPhase, October 25 2021  the purposes of the Transaction, together with
       safety or operational incidents for one of the                           a draft joint information circular to the TSX
       major oil and gas operators in the region.                               Venture Exchange for their initial review of the
         During production, the well experienced a  INVESTMENT                  proposed Transaction.
       heavy accumulation of solids in the injection line
       resulting in a well shut-in. A plug was set above   Petrobras releases
       the production packer by the operator. When the
       gas lift valve was pulled from the lowest gas lift   teaser for Catua field
       station, debris from the A annulus entered the
       tubing. A coiled tubing operation was selected as   in Campos Basin
       the best course of action to clean out the solids,
       pull the plug, and gain access to the lower zone.  Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-
         This was the first time a desander has been  tunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the
       used in Trinidad and the DualFlow 5K cyclonic  sale of its entire stake (100%) in the Catuá field,
       separation system was selected as the best tech-  in the BC-60 block, located in the Campos Basin,
       nology to undertake the job. The coiled tubing  in the state of Espírito Santo.
       cleanout operation was completed using seawa-  The teaser, which includes key information
       ter as the main cleanout fluid with gel pills used  about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility
       to assist lifting the solids. FourPhase deployed a  criteria for the selection of potential participants,
       suite of its own products including the DualFlow  is available on the Petrobras Investor Relations
       5K desander, flow meter manifold, dual choke  website.The main subsequent stages of the pro-
       manifold, Surface Safety Valve (SSV) and Four-  ject will be reported to the market in due course.
       Phase production specification pipework. In   About the Catuá field: The Concession
       total, 348 kgs solids were returned and accurately  Contract No 48000.003560/97-49 refers to the
       measured by the 560 sensors built into the sys-  exploratory concession of the BC-60 Block
       tem. A fluid sample taken from the well showed  acquired in Round Zero of the National Agency

       Week 43   28•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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