Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

         Sledge added: “We are in discussions   Brigham Minerals                cleaner, affordable, and reliable energy.
       with several customers regarding multi-year                              As a Halliburton Labs participant, AW-
       projects that will use these electric fleets   announces core Midland    Energy, RedShift Energy, and Renkube
       starting as early as the third quarter of 2023.                          will receive access to a broad range of
       With these more efficient fleets, we will help   Basin acquisition       industrial capabilities, technical expertise,
       advance our customers’ efforts to reduce                                 and mentorships to scale their respective
       costs and greenhouse gas emissions, while   Brigham Minerals today announced it has   businesses.
       enhancing our company’s competitiveness   entered into a definitive purchase and sale   “Halliburton Labs is excited to welcome
       and free cash flow profile. We are also excited   agreement to acquire certain mineral and   AW-Energy, RedShift, and Renkube to
       to bolster our services and capabilities for the   royalty interests in the Midland Basin from   our clean energy accelerator,” said Dale
       benefit of our customers while equipping our   royalty funds managed by Avant Natural   Winger, managing director of Halliburton
       ProPetro teammates with the best tools to   Resources and its affiliates for approximately   Labs. “These new companies reflect our
       drive sustainable value creation through the   $132.5mn in cash subject to certain closing   view that numerous innovations at scale
       ongoing multi-year upcycle.”        adjustments.                         are important in the evolution of energy
         David Schorlemer, chief financial officer,   BRIGHAM MINERALS, August 22, 2022  systems. We are intrigued by the learning
       commented: “This agreement is another                                    and possibilities represented by the breadth
       important step in our strategic plan of                                  of market applications and geographies with
       transitioning to emissions-friendly services   ENERGY TRANSITION         participants based in Finland, India, and the
       using capital efficient financing terms. Further,                        United States. We are eager to collaborate
       we are pleased that this long-term lease   ClearSign Technologies        with these companies to help them achieve
       agreement includes an option to purchase                                 their strategic, operational, and financial
       each fleet at the end of its respective lease   announces enclosed       milestones.”
       term. As we look ahead to fiscal year 2023                                 AW-Energy harnesses the potential of
       where we will couple these next generation   oxidiser sale to Canada-    ocean waves with its WaveRoller® technology.
       assets with our first-class services, we expect                          WaveRoller is an oscillating wave surge
       significant free cash flow supported by a   based hydrogen technology    converter designed to convert kinetic energy
       decreased capital expenditure plan and at least                          from waves into electricity. AW-Energy aims
       nine natural gas burning lower-emissions   production company            to produce reliable, predictable electricity
       fleets operating in the second half of next                              when it is most needed and can provide the
       year.”                              ClearSign Technologies, an emerging   most value. “With the technology already
       PROPETRO HOLDING, August 22, 2022   leader in industrial combustion and sensing   certified and deployed at commercial scale,
                                           technologies that improve energy, operational   we are excited to access Halliburton’s global
                                           efficiency and safety while dramatically   network and engineering expertise to develop
       MOVES                               reducing emissions, today announces the   our first series of wave farms,” said AW-
                                           sale of a ClearSign Core™ enclosed oxidiser   Energy CEO Christopher Ridgewell.
       Diamondback Energy                  for installation in a pilot scale hydrogen   produce hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide. The
                                                                                  RedShift Energy uses plasma energy to
                                           production plant. The Canadian customer is
       and Rattler Midstream               developing a breakthrough technology for the   company’s modular technology is designed for
                                           production of clean hydrogen.
                                                                                economic applications across the petroleum
       announce completion of              cutting-edge project,” said Jim Deller, Ph.D.,   value chain including unlocking trapped
                                              “We are happy to have been chosen for this
                                                                                reserves upstream and recycling hydrogen
       merger                              chief executive officer of ClearSign. “The   downstream. “RedShift’s hydrogen technology
                                           inclusion of our ultra-low emissions enclosed
                                                                                has the potential to be a key feature in energy
       Diamondback Energy and Rattler Midstream   oxidiser into new hydrogen energy technology  transition,” said CEO Howard Nelson.
       today announced the completion of the   demonstrates a commitment to both low   “Joining Halliburton Labs will accelerate
       previously announced merger between Rattler   carbon and low pollution initiatives on the   commercialisation with the help of their
       and Diamondback. The merger resulted in   part of our client. We are grateful for this   broad expertise, supply chain experience, and
       Diamondback acquiring all of the limited   installation, and the exposure we anticipate it   world-wide network,” added co-founder and
       partner interests in Rattler not already owned   will provide for ClearSign and our products,   chief scientist Alex Gutsol.
       by Diamondback and its subsidiaries. Each   and look forward to the wider deployment of   Renkube developed an innovative glass
       public unitholder of Rattler received 0.113 of   this new hydrogen producing technology.”  designed to harvest light that lowers the
       a share of common stock in Diamondback   CLEARSIGN TECHNOLOGIES, August 23, 2022  cost of solar energy generation. The patent-
       in exchange for each Rattler common unit                                 pending glass is used on solar panels to
       owned.                              Three companies join                 track sunlight like a sunflower but without
         Effective August 24, 2022, Rattler’s                                   any movement. “We are excited to be
       common units will no longer be listed on The   Halliburton Labs clean    part of the Halliburton Labs accelerator.
       Nasdaq Global Select Market, and it will cease                           We intend to leverage Halliburton’s deep
       to be a publicly traded company.    energy accelerator                   industrial expertise in manufacturing and
       DIAMONDBACK ENERGY AND RATTLER                                           operations as we roll out our product for
       MIDSTREAM, August 24, 2022          Halliburton Labs today announced it   commercialization,” said Balaji Lakshmikanth
                                           selected three new companies to participate   Bangolae, founder and CEO, Renkube.
                                           in its collaborative environment to advance   HALLIBURTON LABS, August 23, 2022

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2022
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