Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         year reached a 20-year deal for 2mn tpy of LNG  explained by the fact that China tends to be hes-
                         from Mexico Pacific LNG markets – specifically  itant about relying on any one country too much
                         its upcoming West Coast North American LNG  for its energy imports. It may also be because
                         project in Sonora, Mexico.           Woodside is reluctant to contract too much sup-
                           NextDecade has signed three long-term  ply under long-term deals, and would prefer to
                         deals with Chinese buyers this year, including  let the project benefit from continuing signifi-
                         in March a heads of agreement (HoA) with  cant demand for LNG on the Asian spot market.
                         Guangdong Energy Group Natural Gas for
                         1.5mn tpy of supply for 20 years from the Rio  Implications for Europe
                         Grande LNG project in Texas. In April, it struck  China’s thirst for long-term LNG supply will  Notably absent
                         a 20-year agreement with ENN for a further  have implications for Europe, which appears
                         1.5mn tpy of LNG from Rio Grande, and then  to be struggling to pen many agreements itself,   from this frenzy
                         in July it agreed to deliver 1mn tpy of LNG to  despite initiating a host of new LNG regasifi-  of deal-making
                         China Gas.                           cation projects over the months since Moscow
                           Qatar too is stepping up its LNG trade with  launched its invasion of Ukraine. Simply put,   has been
                         China. In September last year, QatarEnergy  while China is bullish on the long-term demand
                         signed a deal with CNOOC for 3.5mn tpy of  prospects for gas, especially given its ongoing  Australia, despite
                         supply over 15 years, and in December, China  efforts to phase out coal-fired power eventually,
                         Suntien Green Energy in December reached a  Europe is reluctant to make long-term commit-  its dominant role
                         contract with Qatargas 2 for 1mn tpy over 15  ments to purchase gas because its policymakers   as a supplier to
                         years, and Guangdong Energy Group Natural  assume that gas demand will fall significantly in
                         Gas Co. agreed to buy 1mn tpy of LNG from for  the coming years as the energy transition gains   China.
                         10 years from QatarEnergy.           momentum.
                           Notably absent from this frenzy of deal-mak-  This makes policymakers and the energy
                         ing has been Australia, despite its dominant  companies following those policies more
                         role as a supplier to China. And this is despite  attracted to short-term LNG agreements. But
                         the fact that Woodside’s Scarborough project is  this is not the preference of the suppliers, put-
                         under construction and only 36% of its supply  ting Europe at the risk of being outcompeted on
                         is contracted. Woodside took a final invest-  terms by Asian customers. And the latest frenzy
                         ment decision (FID) on the Scarborough and  of long-term deals in China suggests that may be
                         Pluto Train 2 projects last year. This might be  exactly what is happening.™

       Week 34   25•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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