Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       China sees long-term

       LNG deal frenzy

       Chinese importers are bullish on the long-term

       prospects for gas demand in the country, unlike

       their counterparts in Europe

        GLOBAL           CHINESE gas importers have clinched a raft   enter into more long-term deals, to protect their
                         of long-term LNG deals since last year, mostly  energy security into the future at prices that are
       WHAT:             with durations of between 15 and 20 years. This  affordable. China only signed a handful of long-
       Chinese LNG importers   shows that despite a predicted record dip in Chi-  term deals in 2020, but went on to sign 23 in
       have signed a raft of   na’s LNG purchases this year, there remains con-  2021 and the trend has continued into this year.
       short-term deals recently,   fidence in the long-term demand prospects for
       mostly with US suppliers.  the fuel in the country. And the fact that many  Deal frenzy
                         of these agreements have been reached with the  Among the deals, US firm Venture Global signed
       WHY:              US raises questions about how much gas the EU  two 20-year agreements to supply a combined
       China is confident about   can obtain, given it is counting on US exporters  4mn tonnes per year of LNG to China’s Sinopc
       the long-term outlook for   to help it eliminate Russian pipeline gas imports  from its Plaquemines LNG terminal in Louisi-
       gas demand, and wants   in the years to come.          ana. Venture Global also entered into a 20-year
       to safeguard its energy   The latest government data shows that Chi-  deal with CNOOC Gas & Power in Decem-
       security over the coming   nese LNG imports dropped 15.4% year on year  ber last year for 2mn tpy from Plaquemines.
       years at an affordable   to 4.74mn tonnes in July, and supplies were  CNOOC also committed to taking 1.5mn tpy of
       price.            down 20.3% y/y in the first seven months of  LNG from Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass facil-
                         2022. But this is seen as a short-term phenome-  ity, also in Louisiana.
       WHAT NEXT:        non relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) lock-  Meanwhile, Cheniere Energy in November
       Europe’s unwillingness   downs, and it should be noted that the slump  last year penned a deal with China’s Sinochem
       to enter into long-term   follows a record jump in Chinese LNG imports  for 900,000 tpy of LNG over 17.5 years, and the
       LNG deals may see it lose   in 2021.                   volume could be raised later to 1.8mn tpy if
       out on supply to Asian   China, like other Asian gas markets, had been  both sides agree to it. Cheniere also agreed to
       buyers that are betting   shifting towards short-term spot deals in the  sell 1.8mn tpy of LNG from its Corpus Christi
       on a larger role for gas in   years before the energy crisis started. But with  terminal between 2026 and 2050 to PetroChina.
       the future.       spot prices now soaring, buyers are now eager to   Guangzhou Development Group in April this

                                                                                                  Venture Global
                                                                                                  is among the US
                                                                                                  companies to have
                                                                                                  signed several offtake
                                                                                                  agreements with
                                                                                                  Chinese buyers.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2022
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