Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Prince Abdulaziz: OPEC ready to

       make cuts to correct price drop

        GLOBAL           SAUDI Arabia’s Energy Minister and OPEC  because without sufficient liquidity, markets
                         kingpin Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud  can’t reflect the realities of the physical funda-
                         said this week that the OPEC+ group is prepared  mentals in a meaningful way and can give a false
                         to reduce oil output as a means to correct the  sense of security at times when spare capacity is
                         recent fall in prices.               severely limited and the risk of severe disrup-
                           Speaking to Bloomberg, he said the group  tions remains high.”
                         had shown that it was prepared to act to coun-  Noting that the paper and physical markets
                         teract market volatility and was committed to do  are becoming increasingly disconnected, he
                         so again if required.                added that the market is “in a state of schizo-
                           Noting that oil futures have dropped owing  phrenia”, with “erroneous signals” being sent
                         to perception rather than physical shortages,  “at times when greater visibility and clarity and
                         Prince Abdulaziz said: “The paper oil market  well-functioning markets are needed more than
                         has fallen into a self-perpetuating vicious cir-  ever to allow market participants to efficiently
                         cle of very thin liquidity and extreme volatility  hedge and manage the huge risks and uncertain-
                         undermining the market’s essential function of  ties they face.”
                         efficient price discovery, [which makes] the cost   Having announced a quota increase of just
                         of hedging and managing risks for physical users  100,000 barrels per day (bpd) following its latest
                         prohibitive.”                        meeting, OPEC and its deal with non-member
                           Concerns about Chinese demand and reces-  producing nations have come under increasing
                         sion in the West have seen crude prices fall by  scrutiny. Prince Abdulaziz said that the group
                         around $25 per barrel in recent weeks, down by  would begin working on a new deal “beyond
                         more than a third since the early year highs of  2022 which will build on our previous experi-
                         the mid $140s.                       ences, achievements and successes”, seeking to
                           The minister said: “This is detrimental  prevent market volatility.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Shell, Energy Transfer sign Lake

       Charles LNG offtake agreement

        LOUISIANA        SHELL and Energy Transfer have signed a  LNG market had taken a knock owing to the
                         20-year sales and purchase agreement (SPA) for  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         2.1mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG produced   Energy Transfer anticipates reaching a final
                         at the planned Lake Charles LNG project in  investment decision (FID) on Lake Charles by
                         Louisiana.                           the end of this year. The company also notes on
                           The move represents the latest in a series of  its website that Lake Charles LNG is the only
                         binding offtake agreements signed by Energy  brownfield project among the proposed US LNG
       Lake Charles is the   Transfer over the past few months. The Lake  terminals at the pre-FID stage, which it believes
       only brownfield project   Charles LNG project, which involves conversion  gives the development a cost advantage.
       among the current crop   of an existing import facility to exports, had not   “We believe that Lake Charles is the most
       of pre-FID US LNG   been viewed as a development that was likely to  competitive LNG project on the Gulf Coast,”
       export proposals.  move forward soon until recently, when rising  stated Energy Transfer LNG’s president, Tom
                         LNG demand revived its fortunes. As a result,  Mason. “And we are particularly pleased that
                         Energy Transfer has now signed six offtake deals  one of the most prominent LNG industry par-
                         covering nearly 8mn tpy of output from the facil-  ticipants has selected Lake Charles LNG as a
                         ity, or almost half of the project’s planned capac-  supplier. We have had a long-standing relation-
                         ity of 16.45mn tpy.                  ship with Shell and its predecessor BG Group, as
                           The latest SPA is also notable because Shell  a customer of our regasification facility at Lake
                         was previously a partner in Lake Charles LNG  Charles. It is great to have Shell re-engaged in the
                         but pulled out around two years ago, when the  project as an LNG offtake customer.”™

       Week 34   25•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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