Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            of McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd.   commenced initial drilling on the well
                                           (McDaniel) effective as of December 31, 2021.   on August 22, 2022, using its MD Cowan
       Kiwetinohk consolidates             The acquired assets are in the Company’s   Super Single drilling rig purchased in April
                                                                                2022. White River intends to complete the
                                           Montney and Duvernay core area near Fox
       Montney assets and plans            Creek, Alberta. Following the Acquisition   well and commence production in late
                                           Kiwetinohk is now 45% weighted to the
                                                                                September 2022, assuming doing so would be
       increased Montney drilling          Montney on current production and 43%   economically viable.
                                           on TPP reserves as reported in McDaniel’s
                                                                                  BitNile obtained participation rights with
       programme                           independent report at year end 2021.  respect to future oil wells when it invested
                                                                                $12mn in Ecoark Holdings on June 8, 2022.
                                             The acquisition will be funded through
       Kiwetinohk Energy has entered into an   Kiwetinohk’s bank facilities and is accretive on   Ecoark beneficially owns approximately 83%
       agreement to acquire an additional 28.5%   all per share metrics. With ample borrowing   of Fortium’s capital stock. When Ecoark
       average working interest in Kiwetinohk-  capacity, a lending facility redetermination   subsequently sold White River to Fortium
       operated Montney assets in the Placid area   was not required to undertake this   it transferred the participation rights to
       for total cash consideration of CAD61.4mn   transaction. Kiwetinohk’s next routine lending   BitNile. BitNile’s subsidiary Ault Energy has
       (purchase price net of adjustments is   redetermination is scheduled for the fourth   exercised its participation right and acquired
       approximately CAD59mn). The acquisition   quarter. On closing, Kiwetinohk is expected   a 40% working interest in the Harry O’Neal
       includes 1,200 boepd (45% oil and liquids)   to have CAD210.0mn of available borrowing   20-9 No. 1 well. The Harry O’Neal 20-9
       of current Montney production and   capacity, 56% of its current CAD375mn bank   No. 1 well is the first project in an expected
       increases Kiwetinohk’s Placid area natural   facility.                   long-term partnership with White River that
       gas processing and condensate handling   KIWETINOHK ENERGY, August 24, 2022  Ault Energy announced in July 2022 with the
       capacity to 100 mmcf per day and 5,000 bpd                               intention to drill approximately 100 oil wells
       respectively (an increase of 30 mmcf per   BitNile and Fortium           over the next 60 months. BitNile founder
       day and 1,750 bpd. Kiwetinohk will obtain                                and executive chairman Milton “Todd” Ault,
       an incremental 14.12% ownership in the   Announce that a Fortium         III, who also serves as the manager of Ault
       14-28 Bigstone sweet natural gas processing                              Energy, stated “We are excited to kick off
       facility, bringing its total working interest   subsidiary, White River,   this partnership with White River with a
       to 39.31%. Total owned processing capacity                               vertical drilling project in an oilfield with a
       at the Bigstone sweet natural gas processing   commences drilling project   long history of successful drilling projects. I
       facility increases from 20 mmcf per day to 31                            will be conducting a site visit in September
       mmcf per day. The acquisition is expected to   with a BitNile subsidiary,   2022 to monitor the progress of the drilling
       close on or about September 15, 2022, with an                            operations, and scope out additional oilfields
       effective date of July 1, 2022.     Ault Energy                          for future drilling projects.”
         With this Acquisition, Kiwetinohk has                                  BITNILE HOLDINGS AND FORTIUM HOLDINGS,
       now increased its working interest to 100%   BitNile Holdings and Fortium Holdings   August 24, 2022
       in 53,000 Montney acres in the area where all   today announced that Fortium’s wholly
       its new Montney drilling has occurred in the   owned subsidiary, White River Holdings,
       past two years. The Acquisition consolidates   has commenced drilling a 9,800’ well,   SERVICES
       Kiwetinohk’s position in the Placid Montney   the Harry O’Neal 20-9 No. 1, on White
       area and increases its average working interest   River’s oil and gas mineral lease in Holmes   ProPetro announces
       over 79,000 acres in the region to 88.2%.   County, Mississippi. The well will be drilled
       Grossing up Kiwetinohk’s Montney reserves   across multiple potential pay-zones in the   electric fleet orders and
       for the Acquisition adds 12.9mn boe of   Upper Dolomite, Lower Dolomite, and
       total proved plus probable (TPP) reserves,   Smackover formations. White River’s wholly   lease agreement
       based on the independent reserves report   owned subsidiary, White River Operating
                                                                                ProPetro Holding today announced it has
                                                                                executed a long-term lease agreement for two
                                                                                electric frack fleets with expected delivery in
                                                                                the third quarter of 2023.
                                                                                  Sam Sledge, chief executive officer,
                                                                                commented: “As part of our fleet transition
                                                                                strategy initiated last year, we have executed
                                                                                an order to acquire two electric frac fleets
                                                                                from a leading manufacturer. These new
                                                                                electric fleets utilise conventional pumping
                                                                                equipment and proven technologies that are
                                                                                well-known across our industry. As demand
                                                                                for electric solutions continues to gain
                                                                                momentum, ProPetro is playing a significant
                                                                                role in bringing new technologies and
                                                                                more efficient, environmentally responsible
                                                                                solutions to the Permian Basin.”

       Week 34   25•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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