Page 15 - DMEA Week 40 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              disclosed a number of incidents related to   Seoul. The volume of trade tumbled to just
                                           product storage and transfer losses, including   $111 million by mid-July 2020, according to
       Ghana to launch                     but not limited to the disappearance of   embassy figures.
                                           105,927 litres of gas oil on 4th September
                                                                                  In January, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards
       parliamentary inquiry at            2021, which belongs to a BDC client.  seized a South Korean-flagged tanker, the
                                                                                Hankuk Chemi, and held it and its captain
                                           MODERN GHANA
       TOR                                                                      for three months, ostensibly over alleged
                                                                                environmental violations.
       The minority in Ghana’s parliament has served   Iran-Korea row worsens     The seizure was widely seen in South
       notice it will trigger the appropriate rules   over frozen oil billions  Korea as an attempt to force Seoul’s hand over
       and processes for a full-scale parliamentary                             the frozen funds, though Tehran repeatedly
       inquiry into what they call the “broad daylight   A row between Iran and South Korea is   denied there was any connection.
       thievery and embarrassing spectacle” at the   intensifying, with Tehran threatening legal   Last week, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein
       Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) soon.       action unless Seoul releases more than $7   Amir-Abdollahian warned that his country
         This, according to the Caucus is due   billion in funds for oil shipments frozen   would sue South Korea if it continued to
       to their mistrust for the Akufo Addo   because of US sanctions.          refuse to honour its debt.
       government to conduct any fair, transparent   The Islamic republic was South Korea’s   AFP
       and unbiased investigation.         third-largest Middle Eastern trade partner
         In a statement signed by the Ranking   before the US unilaterally withdrew from a
       Member for Mines and Energy, John   2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world   REFINING
       Abdulai Jinapor, the caucus said it “will not   powers and reimposed crippling sanctions.
       sit unconcerned for greedy and self-seeking   Iran had been a key oil supplier to   NNPC says 100% of
       Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government to plunge   resource-poor South Korea and in turn
       the only oil refinery in the country into   imported industrial equipment, household   consumed fuel imported
       comatose.”                          appliances and vehicle spare parts from Seoul.
         It added: “In the meantime, we wish to   “We have $7.8 billion of our money   The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
       call on the government to appoint competent   blocked in South Korean banks,” said Iranian   (NNPC) has disclosed that in August, 100%
       personnel devoid of partisan parochial   lawmaker Alireza Salimi, who is involved with   of the 1.74 billion liters of petrol consumed by
       interest onto the management and governing   the case.                   Nigerians were imported.
       Board of the refinery and also desist from   South Korea took delivery of the Iranian oil  The General Manager, Corporate Services,
       the unnecessary political interferences in the   “but did not pay for it”, he told AFP.  the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory
       operations of the refinery.”          “It is not a reliable trading partner and   Agency (PPPRA), Kimchi Apollo disclosed
         Earlier this week, the Tema Oil Refinery   it should pay interest on the money it is   this in a statement released on its website. The
       (TOR), announced that it has queried   improperly holding,” he charged.  statement also showed the amount of petrol
       and interdicted some of its staff pending   A foreign ministry official in Seoul told   consumed is a drop of about 132mn litres
       the conclusion of investigations into the   AFP that “it is difficult to confirm” the exact   when compared to the 1.87bn litres consumed
       disappearance of fuel, product storage, and   amount of money involved.  in July.
       transfer losses at the refinery.      South Korea stopped purchasing Iranian   NNPC last month published the
         This is part of recommendations by an   oil after former US president Donald Trump   performance of its refineries in 2020 which
       interim management committee, which   exited the nuclear deal in 2018, reimposing   shows that about 1,586 new persons were
       was inaugurated in June 2021, to oversee   the harsh sanctions and threatening to punish   employed while N69.07 billion was spent on
       the affairs of the company as part of the   anyone buying crude from Iran.  salaries and wages.
       government’s efforts to restructure the   That year, Iran-South Korea trade fell by   The refineries which are located in Port
       company.                            half compared to 2017, when it had stood at   Harcourt, Kaduna, and Warri have a total
         The investigations by the committee   $12 billion, according to Iran’s embassy in   installed capacity of 445,000 barrels per day

       Week 40   07•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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