Page 16 - DMEA Week 40 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       but have been in disrepair for many years.   OPEC casts doubt on         additions in recent years have materialised in
       According to the report, Kaduna refinery                                 developing regions with strong oil demand
       spent N26.02bn in 2020 on workers’ salaries   refinery dislocation as    growth, led by the Asia Pacific. As a result,
       and also employed 655 new staff.                                         crude and condensate account for the majority
         While Port Harcourt refinery put its   tonne-mile driver               of trade, especially over long distances.
       aggregate payroll costs for 2020 at N22.55bn.                              “Refining hubs in developing countries
       The refinery which is currently under   There are doubts over whether refinery   with highly complex plants such as the US are
       rehabilitation employed 487 staff in 2020.   dislocation will drive product tanker demand   competing increasingly in the international
       For Warri refinery, not only did management   growth at a pace that will return spot rates   product market in line with slower domestic
       employed 444 new staff its aggregate employee  to profitable levels for the global fleet as   demand growth and available feedstock at
       cost amounts to N20.51bn.           fast as anticipated, according to the latest   competitive prices.
       LEGIT                               Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting   “For producing and consuming countries
                                           Countries World Oil Outlook.         alike, there is an emphasis on securing refined
       Reps probe NNPC over                end-consumers has long been cited by   product supply through domestic refining
                                              The dislocation between refineries and
                                                                                rather than imports, regardless of economic
       refineries contracts                product tanker owners, including Ardmore   factors.”
                                           Shipping and Scorpio Tankers, as a key factor
                                                                                  Scorpio Tankers, which has a fleet of more
       The House of Representatives on Wednesday   in boosting tonne mile demand in 2021 and   than 130 product tankers and lost $115m
       ordered an investigation into the award of   beyond.                     so far this year, forecast in February that
       contracts for the refurbishment of refineries   Tonne-mile demand, which measures   seaborne refined product exports would
       by the Nigerian National Petroleum   volumes carried by distance travelled, is   increase by 6.1% in 2021, compared to 2020
       Corporation (NNPC).                 a proxy for tanker demand. The greater   levels this year.
         This was sequel to the adoption of a   the distance between the refinery and the   Accelerating refinery closures across
       motion by Henry Nwawuba who alleged   consumer, the stronger the demand.  Europe, US, Canada, and Australia as well as
       that the NNPC awarded the contract for the   However, OPEC said refined product trade   the starting up of new capacity in Asia and
       refurbishment of Warri and Kaduna refineries   declined by more than 2m barrels per day   the Middle East was cited as one reason why
       to SAIPEM and Tecnimont respectively   between 2019 and 2020, reaching 15.6m bpd.  seaborne volumes would increase.
       without the submission of their local   Total product flows were estimated to   Lost production from the closure of one
       content plan for the contract’s execution and   reach 19m bpd by 2025 and then drop to   refinery in Australia would employ a further
       sustainable maintenance.            17.5m bpd over the following five years –   23 medium-range tankers according to the
         He said after refurbishing the refineries,   essentially returning product trades to 2019   Scorpio presentation last April.
       the running maintenance contracts would be   levels.                       Ardmore Shipping cited similar figures
       handled by SAIPEM and Tecnimont, “which   The numbers are based around OPEC’s   in July, as management highlighted the
       means that all the money spent by NNPC in   already-optimistic reference case for oil   accelerated rate of refinery closures due to the
       that regard would be transferred abroad, thus   demand, as outlined in its World Oil Outlook   pandemic as a positive for the sector because
       leading to capital flight.          released earlier this month.         it would add to tonne-mile demand due to
         “The glaring deliberate abuse of the   That assumes climate-change emission   dislocation.
       Nigerian Content Development Act by the   targets are watered down, electric vehicles   OPEC forecasts 4.5m bpd of refinery
       NNPC and the contract awarded to foreign   comprise only 20% of all cars in 24 years’ time,  capacity to be closed between 2020 and 2026,
       companies have caused untold economic   and oil remains the dominant energy source.  mostly in developed countries, while an
       hardship to indigenous contractors who   OPEC cites the development of new   additional 6.9m bpd is added (assuming 90%
       employ Nigerian citizens.”          refining capacity in Asia and the Middle East   utilisation).
         The House mandated its Committee   as complexes in Europe are shuttered as one   Still, there would be a surplus of 4.6m bpd,
       on Nigerian Content Development and   reason for its refined product trade forecasts.  of which 2.3m bpd would be middle distillates
       Monitoring to investigate the matter and   “Based on the economics of oil movements   – jet fuel, diesel and gasoil used for heating
       report back within two weeks for further   and refining, there is a general preference to   and transport – with the biggest overhang
       legislative action.                 locate refining capacity in consuming regions   in the Middle East, then the US, Canada and
       DAILY TRUST                         due to lower transport costs for crude oil   Europe.
                                           compared with oil products,” the report said.  For comparison, total crude refinery
                                              “The majority of refining capacity   throughput is estimated to be at 84.7m bpd by

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