Page 17 - DMEA Week 40 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       2025, compared with 81.9m bpd in 2019.  and service provider strategically located   to fill the entire capacity and importantly with
         The oil demand shock has seen the   outside the Strait of Hormuz, in the Port of   multi-year take-or-pay contracts.”
       global fleet of product tankers remained at   Fujairah in the UAE, is pleased to announce   Paardenkooper, further added: “The
       levels barely making operating costs on key   that its wholly owned subsidiary, Brooge   opening of this facility and our plans to move
       benchmark routes for protracted periods of   Petroleum and Gas Investment Company   ahead with Phase III reflects our commitment
       2021.                               FZE, inaugurated its Phase II storage facility   to support the UAE’s important role in the
         Third-quarter clean sector earnings for   on September 21, 2021.       world’s oil industry.”
       medium-range tankers averaged $4,800 daily   Reflecting the importance of this facility,   With the opening of this facility, BPGIC is
       for those engaged in trades west of the Suez   present at the ribbon cutting ceremony were   now the second largest independent storage
       Canal, according to estimates from shipbroker   HH Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al   operator in the region with capacity of
       Braemar ACM. That is 20% below the April-  Sharqi, Ruler of Fujairah and Member of the   approximately one million cubic meters, or
       through-June period.                UAE’s Supreme Council, and OPEC Secretary   6.3 million barrels.
         MR tankers operating in Asia earned   General Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, along   The new Phase II facility was built utilising
       $6,000 daily over the third quarter, Braemar   with the Executive team of Brooge Energy.  state-of-the-art technology to maximise
       ACM said.                              Nicolaas L. Paardenkooper, CEO of Brooge   performance and efficiency and can store
       LLOYD’S LIST                        Energy and BPGIC, said: “We are extremely   not only crude and fuel oils but also clean
                                           proud to have successfully constructed and   petroleum products which is a competitive
                                           opened this important facility during this   edge the company is able to provide to its
       TERMINALS & SHIPPING                global pandemic period we have all been   customers. Additionally, the Company is also
                                           faced with, which has affected global supply   able to provide is customers with ancillary
       Brooge officially opens 2nd         chains, amongst other challenges. The facility   services including product blending and
                                           began receiving cargo at the early part of
       phase storage facility              September and has been generating revenue   BROOGE
                                           since then. With oil storage in high demand in
       Brooge Energy Ltd., a midstream oil storage   the region, we already have contracts in place

       Week 40   07•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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