Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       recover the gas emanating from these sites in   significant progress on their sustainability   Cheniere publishes climate
       the form RNG, also known as biomethane.  goals,” said Laura Leonard, vice president and
       WAGA ENERGY, April 13, 2021         general manager, UOP Process Technologies.   scenario analysis report
                                           “Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that
       Honeywell technology                can provide a low-carbon solution across   Cheniere Energy announced today that it has
                                           almost every industry—petrochemical
                                                                                published a Climate Scenario Analysis Report.
       enables large US carbon             and refining, buildings, commercial,   The report analyses the long-term resilience
                                                                                of Cheniere’s business and the potential
                                           transportation and power generation.
       capture and storage project         Customers like Wabash trust Honeywell UOP   implications for LNG supply and demand in
                                           to provide optimised technology solutions to
                                                                                various future climate scenarios through 2040,
       Honeywell today announced Wabash Valley   meet project requirements.”    including the IEA Sustainable Development
       Resources has selected a range of Honeywell   UOP will provide technology licenses,   Scenario, which is a below 2°C warming
       UOP technologies to capture and sequester   basic engineering, and specialty equipment   scenario.
       up to 1.65mn tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)   including a modular MOLSIV™ molecular   The analysis and report are aligned with
       annually and to produce clean hydrogen   sieve dehydration unit, modular Ortloff CO2   the recommendations of the Task Force on
       energy from a repurposed gasification plant in   Fractionation unit, and Polybed™ pressure   Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
       West Terre Haute, Ind. The project is expected   swing adsorption (PSA) unit to sequester   “The conclusions of this analysis reinforce
       to be one of the largest carbon sequestration   carbon dioxide and process synthesis gas from   our belief that Cheniere’s business is built
       initiatives in the United States to date.  the gasification unit.        for longevity, and that LNG has a significant
         “By implementing Honeywell UOP’s     The Ortloff CO2 Fractionation technology   role to play in the global transition to a lower
       proven technologies for the capture of   will produce a high-purity liquid CO2 stream   carbon future,” said Jack Fusco, Cheniere’s
       CO2 and hydrogen purification, we   while separating a hydrogen-rich stream that   president and chief executive officer. “This
       will significantly reduce greenhouse gas   will be purified by the PSA unit. The CO2   analysis will assist Cheniere in strategic
       emissions,” said Dan Williams, Managing   stream will be sent for permanent geological   business decisions and efforts to inform our
       Director of Wabash Valley Resources. “This   storage, while the hydrogen stream can fuel   stakeholders about climate-related risks and
       project will allow for market access to clean   a hydrogen turbine to generate electrical   business opportunities.”
       hydrogen, as well as support the domestic   power. The hydrogen stream can also be used   CHENIERE ENERGY, April 09, 2021
       growth of the hydrogen economy.”    in chemical synthesis, or marketed as a clean
         “Adding carbon capture and storage   transportation fuel.
       to hydrogen production is an economical   HONEYWELL, April 12, 2021
       solution for many companies looking to make

       Week 15   15•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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