Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Enbridge, TC

       Energy upgrading

       gas pipelines

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADIAN pipeline giants Enbridge and TC
                         Energy are both in the process of upgrading their
                         gas pipeline networks.
                           Last week, Bloomberg reported that Enbridge
                         was moving forward with upgrades to its pipe-
                         lines serving the US Northeast in a bid to ship
                         more shale gas from the Appalachian Basin.
                         The upgrades come as building new pipelines
                         becomes increasingly more difficult in terms of
                         permitting and public opposition. Conversely,
                         expanding capacity on existing pipelines is
                         becoming a more attractive option under these
                         circumstances.                       additions where public, regulatory and political
                           According to Bloomberg, Enbridge’s plan  stakeholders are already familiar with gas deliv-
                         includes building a connection to a UGI Utilities  eries on existing networks.
                         facility in Pennsylvania and compression boosts   The West Path project is anticipated to cost
                         that will allow it to move an additional 18mn  CAD1.2bn ($957mn) in Canada and $335mn in
                         cubic feet (509,760 cubic metres) per day along  the US, and will increase TC Energy’s gas exports
                         its Texas Eastern system.            by about 260 mmcf (7.4mn cubic metres) per
                           This first phase of upgrades will cost $28mn.  day, or 10%.
                         In a second phase of expansion, the company   TC Energy subsidiaries Foothills Pipe
                         will build similar links for other customers in  Lines (South BC), Nova Gas Transmission Ltd
                         the region.                          (NGTL) and Gas Transmission Northwest Pipe-
                           “Boosting compression is the first line  line (GTN) are all adding capacity through West
                         of attack,” Enbridge’s CEO, Al Monaco, told  Path.
                         Bloomberg. “We’ve got some opportunities on   The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) has
                         Texas Eastern, which certainly supports the US  already approved a CAD133mn ($106mn), 100
                         Northeast directly.”                 mmcf (2.8 mcm) per day Foothills expansion
                           Monaco also issued a warning about the  that is scheduled for completion in 2022. Foot-
                         impact that opposition to gas pipelines could  hills is also seeking approval to add a further
                         have, citing price spikes in Texas and California.  160 mmcf (4.5 mcm) per day in 2023 at a cost of
        Pull quote to go   Indeed, Boston had to import LNG this winter  CAD402mn ($321mn).
                                                                NGTL and GTN are also in the process
                         because of pipeline capacity constraints during
       in here Pull quote   periods of high demand in the region.  of adding capacity across networks that span
                           TC Energy, for its part, is adding capacity in  Alberta and British Columbia, and serve the US
       to go in here Pull   annual stages to three of its gas pipelines, with  Pacific Northwest and California.
                                                                Both TC Energy and Enbridge have been in
         quote to go in   the upgrade package, known as West Path, set   the spotlight as a result of battles to build major
                         to increase Canadian gas exports to Califor-
        here Pull quote   nia, Nevada, Oregon and Washington during  new pipelines. Indeed, while Enbridge is mov-
                                                              ing forward with its Line 3 replacement project,
       to go in here Pull   TC Energy’s president, Francois Poirier, out-  it continues to fight to save its Line 5 pipeline,
         quote to go in   lined the company’s expansion plans at the vir-  whose fate remains uncertain.
                         tual Scotiabank CAPP Energy Symposium. His
                                                                Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is
            here.        comments came as the company moves forward  seeking to shut down the underwater section of
                         from the failure of the Keystone XL oil pipeline,  Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac, and this par-
                         which was effectively killed off when US Presi-  ticular battle illustrates the fact that long-exist-
                         dent Joe Biden revoked its cross-border permit  ing pipelines are not immune to regulatory and
                         immediately upon taking office in January. TC  political risk. Despite this, quietly expanding gas
                         Energy has shown no desire to contest Biden’s  pipeline capacity on existing networks looks like
                         decision, and appears instead to be shifting its  a comparatively safe bet for Enbridge and TC
                         attention to quiet growth while seeking to avoid  Energy alike. Other North American pipeline
                         regulatory risk as much as possible.  operators may also come to increasingly favour
                           Poirier described the West Path expansion  this quiet approach in the current regulatory and
                         plans as “in-corridor” and “bolt-on” pipeline  political environment.™

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