Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The decarbonisation
                                                                                                  push is likely to put
                                                                                                  pressure on oil and gas
                                                                                                  producers in particular
                                                                                                  – especially those
                                                                                                  operating in Canada’s
                                                                                                  oil sands.

                         appears determined to make future targets more  and gas production,” Pourbaix said. “But don’t
                         of a priority for the country.       look for us to become a late-entrant renewa-
                           The decarbonisation push is likely to put  ble-power developer.”
                         pressure on oil and gas producers in particu-  These sentiments are echoed by the other two
                         lar – especially those operating in Canada’s  leading oil sands producers, Suncor Energy and
                         prolific oil sands. The resource has a reputation  Imperial Oil. Suncor has said it is on track to
                         for being particularly emissions-intensive, and  achieve its goal of cutting the emissions intensity
                         recent efforts by producers to address this have  of its output by 30% compared with 2014 levels
                         done little to improve the oil sands’ public image  by 2030. According to Suncor’s chief financial
                         globally.                            officer, Alister Cowan, it is also considering an
                           But even as certain international energy com-  updated emissions target for beyond 2030.
                         panies set out plans to shift away from oil over   Imperial, meanwhile, has indicated that it
                         the longer term, the leading oil sands producers  could adopt the technologies being pursued
                         are reiterating their commitment to their core  by its parent company, ExxonMobil, including
                         business – albeit with more of a focus on reduc-  CCS and biofuel blending.
                         ing emissions. Last week, both Canadian Natu-  “When it comes to wind farms and solar
                         ral Resources Ltd (CNRL) and Cenovus Energy  farms, that’s not really in our wheelhouse,”
                         said they would set new goals for reducing their  Imperial’s senior vice-president of finance, Dan
                         GHG emissions, but would not pivot towards  Lyons, said.                   The leading oil
                         renewables, unlike their European counterparts.  The comments from all of these company offi-
                           CNRL’s president, Tim McKay, said at the vir-  cials illustrate that changes are being made as   sands producers
                         tual Scotiabank CAPP Energy Symposium that  both Canada and the international community   are reiterating
                         his company’s corporate emissions-cutting goal  step up efforts to decarbonise. Whether these
                         would be announced in the second quarter of  changes will be enough to win over a sceptical   their commitment
                         2021.                                public, however, is a different matter, and for
                           This comes after CNRL has already cut its car-  now, anti-oil sands sentiment continues to make   to their core
                         bon intensity per barrel by 18% between 2016  the operating environment more challenging
                         and 2020, according to McKay. He went on to  for producers.               business – albeit
                         say that CNRL considers carbon capture and   This week, New York’s state pension fund   with more of a
                         storage (CCS) as a way to further reduce its envi-  said it was restricting investment in six Cana-
                         ronmental impact, but that it is not planning any  dian oil sands companies – including Imperial,   focus on reducing
                         major investments in renewables.     CNRL and Cenovus – alleging that they have
                           “The preference is to stick with what we know  not shown they are prepared for a transition to   emissions.
                         and what we’re good at,” McKay said. “There’s  a low-carbon future. The New York State Com-
                         going to be a need for oil long term.”  mon Retirement Fund is the latest in a string of
                           Cenovus’ CEO, Alex Pourbaix, told the sym-  investors to pull back from the oil sands over
                         posium that his company had similar plans to  recent years. While its divestment of over $7mn
                         introduce new emissions reduction targets  is comparatively small, it illustrates that oil
                         while remaining focused on oil production.  sands producers still have a long way to go to
                           “Where we’re likely to remain is focused on oil  prove their decarbonisation credentials.™

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