Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada grapples

       with GHG emissions

       Canada is faced with a considerable challenge as it

       considers how to cut greenhouse gas emissions in

       order to meet long-term decarbonisation targets

        CANADA           CANADA appears to be increasingly more seri-  suggested that methane emissions were one-
                         ous about its decarbonisation targets, but this  and-a-half to two times higher respectively
       WHAT:             new focus comes with a growing awareness of  than official estimates.
       Efforts to cut GHG   how difficult it will be to meet these goals.  The Canadian government estimates meth-
       emissions look set to be   The country is aiming for net-zero green-  ane emissions using mathematical modelling
       extremely challenging for   house gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, and its  based on a small number of field measurements
       Canada.           decarbonisation ambitions received a major  but there have been calls to move to widespread
                         boost recently when the Canadian Supreme  measuring of methane.
       WHY:              Court upheld the federal carbon tax. How-  “Right now the inventory is based on esti-
       The country may be   ever, subsequent developments illustrate how  mates that are over a decade old and they’re
       undercounting its   the path forward looks increasingly more  proposing using new estimates, which is a step
       emissions currently,   challenging.                    forward, but it still uses estimates,” a Pembina
       which affects the   On April 12, Environment and Climate  Institute senior analyst, Jan Gorski, who studies
       attainability of   Change Canada published a new report, which  methane emissions from the oil and gas indus-
       decarbonisation targets.  showed that GHG emissions increased slightly  try, was quoted by CBC News as saying.
                         in 2019 – the first year during which the federal   “Eventually where we want to get to is to actu-
       WHAT NEXT:        carbon tax was in place. The increase was only  ally use real field measurements of methane. So
       Oil sands producers   0.2% on a year-on-year basis, taking Canada  looking at what are the real levels of methane
       say they will set new   to 730 megatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)  that are being emitted right now in the field,”
       emissions targets but will   emissions over the course of 2019. But it means  Gorski added.
       not pivot from their core   Canada will have to do more in order to meet its   Environment and Climate Change Canada
       businesses.       emissions targets.                   has said that this could happen, but has not
                           It was not all bad news, however, with Envi-  given any indication of the sort of timeframes
                         ronment and Climate Change Canada also not-  that would be involved.
                         ing that the economy grew faster than emissions   If Canada wants to address these challenges,  GHG emissions as
                         in 2019, and that the country’s emissions inten-  though, it has no time to lose. Aside from the
                         sity was therefore lower than before. Indeed,  long-term targets, the country has also pledged   measured against
                         GHG emissions as measured against the size of  to reduce its methane emissions 40-45% below   the size of the
                         the economy are reported to have declined 37%  2012 levels by 2025. Plans for achieving this
                         since 1990, and 23% since 2005. This is largely  include regulations to monitor and fix or mod-  economy are
                         attributed to improving energy efficiency, which  ify methane leaks in equipment on oil and gas
                         means economic growth is not translating into  sites. Federal funding is also available to help  reported to have
                         much higher emissions.               companies that are trying to reduce methane
                           Thus Canada can be seen to be making pro-  emissions over and above the regulations.  declined 37%
                         gress on decarbonisation – but in the face of   However, concerns have been raised over the   since 1990, and
                         more ambitious targets over the coming years,  country’s ability to identify where methane leaks
                         it still has a long way to go.       are occurring, and while researchers are stud-  23% since 2005.
                                                              ying better detection methods, implementing
                         Methane setback                      them will take time.
                         In another setback for Canadian emissions
                         reduction ambitions, CBC News reported on  Under pressure
                         April 15 that current emissions were likely  Canada has missed all of the previous emissions
                         being undercounted. The news service cited  targets it has set itself over the past 30 years, and
                         findings from FluxLab at St Francis Xavier  there is plenty of scepticism over its ability to
                         University in Nova Scotia, as well as research  now turn its performance around. Nonethe-
                         from last year by government scientists, which  less, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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