Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The infrastructure
                                                                                                  proposals include a
                                                                                                  $16bn initiative to
                                                                                                  employ oilfield workers
                                                                                                  that have lost their jobs
                                                                                                  to plug abandoned
                                                                                                  wells across the US.

                         the heaviest hydrocarbons, Canadian oil sands  need unanimous support from Democrats in
                         producers, and those refiners on the US Gulf  the narrowly divided US Senate in order to be
                         Coast that process their output, could be among  pushed through. Additionally, Biden said this
                         the main beneficiaries of this aspect of the plan.  week that he would engage with Republicans in
                           “The asphalt industry should be elated with  an effort to win their support for his proposals.
                         Biden’s plan to upgrade 20,000 miles of roads in  He noted, though, that he would move ahead
                         the US,” a Baker & O’Brien senior consultant,  without their support if necessary, as he consid-
                         Charles Kemp, was quoted by Bloomberg as  ers the plan to be essential for job creation in the
                         saying. “However, this announcement favours  wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         heavier oil production from outside of the US,   Biden said he was prepared to negotiate on
                         which contains roughly double the amount of  both changes to the plan, and how it would be
                         asphalt versus the asphalt content in light crudes  funded.
                         from US domestic production.”         The response from the oil and gas industry,  The proposal to
                           Another boost for the oil and gas industry – at  meanwhile, has been mixed. Oil and gas indus-
                         least in the short term – would come from the  try groups have welcomed the incentives for   eliminate oil and
                         $16bn Biden has earmarked for employing oil-  investing in CCS, but have called on the federal   gas subsidies
                         field workers that have lost their jobs as a result  government to recognise the role hydrocarbons
                         of the recent energy sector downturns to plug  will still continue to play in the US energy sys-  is likely to be
                         abandoned wells across the US.       tem, as well as the importance of pipelines.
                           Few details of this initiative have been pro-  “While ambitious and aimed in the right  strongly resisted.
                         vided so far, but it was touted as a way of cre-  direction – bolstering America’s infrastructure –
                         ating jobs, with Biden saying orphaned wells  President Biden’s American Jobs Plan overlooks
                         across the country number in the hundreds of  the backbone of America’s energy system: pipe-
                         thousands.                           lines,” said the Texas Independent Producers &
                           “The well-capping support is great for  Royalty Owners Association’s (TIPRO) presi-
                         well-servicing companies and will add jobs,” an  dent, Ed Longanecker. “Pipelines are the most
                         Evercore ISI analyst, James West, was quoted  reliable and efficient means to transport the
                         by Bloomberg as saying. “However, the corpo-  oil and natural gas that powers families across
                         rate tax hike adds another burden to the US oil  America.”
                         industry, which probably overwhelms the good   Additionally, the proposal to eliminate oil
                         news.”                               and gas subsidies is likely to be strongly resisted.
                                                              Whatever the plan ends up looking like once it
                         What next?                           is finalised, it seems that the oil and gas industry
                         Analysts have noted that Biden’s plan would  needs to brace itself for significant changes.™

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