Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              growing portfolio of certified natural   effective date of the acquisition is November 1,
                                           gas, sometimes referred to as responsibly   2020, and it is expected to close in late April.
       EQT issues statement in             sourced gas. When its certification   said, “This is an exceptional acquisition of
                                                                                  Chad Stephens, president and CEO,
                                           project with Equitable Origin and MiQ is
       support of reinstating              completed, EQT will be producing more   mineral assets with excellent geology that fits
                                           certified gas than any other producer’s total
                                                                                well within our stated strategy to grow the
       federal methane rule                domestic natural gas production (certified   company on an accretive basis. These assets
                                           or uncertified). Equitable Origin has a
                                                                                have compelling upside potential in a core
       EQT Corporation today issued the following   proven track record of certifying energy   area with active drilling programmes by high
       statement in support of H.J. Resolution   companies on ESG indicators in accordance   quality and well capitalised operators.”
       34, and S.J. Resolution 14 of the 117th   with its EO100™ Standard for Responsible   PHX MINERALS, April 15, 2021
       Congress, which provide for Congressional   Energy Development, a set of rigorous
       disapproval of the 2020 Methane Rescission   ESG performance standards for energy   Continental Resources
       Rule submitted by the administrator of the   development projects. MiQ, a non-profit
       Environmental Protection Agency relating   partnership between RMI and SYSTEMIQ,   announces preliminary first
       to “Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission   is pioneering a market-based approach to
       Standards for New, Reconstructed, and   rapidly reduce methane emissions across the   quarter 2021 production
       Modified Sources Review” (85 Fed. Reg.   natural gas sector.
       57018 (September 14, 2020)):        EQT CORPORATION, April 15, 2021      update and plans to
         “As the nation’s largest natural gas
       producer, EQT knows that natural gas                                     announce first quarter 2021
       will continue to play a meaningful role in   UPSTREAM
       accelerating a sustainable pathway to a low                              results on Wednesday, April
       carbon future. We believe the responsible   PHX Minerals announces
       development of natural gas will help meet                                28, 2021
       future global energy demand as we address   acquisition
       climate change together. As an industry                                  Continental Resources today provided an
       leader in reducing methane emissions, we   PHX Minerals announced today that it has   update on its first quarter 2021 production
       support reinstituting NSPS OOOOa as a   agreed to acquire from certain third parties   results.
       uniform federal standard. EQT is committed   certain mineral and royalty interests totalling   February 2021 weather adversely
       to working with elected officials, regulators   approximately 2,698 net royalty acres in the   impacted first quarter 2021 total production
       and other stakeholders to establish sound   southern SCOOP play for $11,947,000 in   by approximately 6,000 Boepd (60% oil).
       environmental policies that promote increased  cash and stock, subject to customary closing   First-quarter 2021 oil production is expected
       access to clean and affordable energy sources.”   adjustments. The purchase price consists of   to average approximately 152,000 bopd and
         Earlier today, EQT announced its   $9,547,000 in cash and $2,400,000 in PHX   first quarter 2021 natural gas production
       commitment to seek independent certification  common stock. PHX intends to raise the   is expected to average approximately 935
       of a majority of its produced natural gas under   cash portion of the purchase price through   mmcfpd. Additionally, the company is
       certification standards developed by Equitable   an underwritten public offering of common   providing preliminary production guidance
       Origin and MiQ. The certification process is   stock (announced concurrently with this   for second quarter 2021 of 160,000-165,000
       expected to commence this month, and it is   release). The stock issued in connection with   bopd and 920-940 mmcfpd. The company
       anticipated that certification from Equitable   the acquisition will be subject to the same   is on track to meet or exceed its annual
       Origin and MiQ will be obtained later this   terms and conditions as the other subscribers   production guidance for the year of 160,000-
       year.                               for the offering. The board of directors of PHX  165,000 bopd and 880-920 mmcfpd.
         These certifications will expand EQT’s   unanimously approved the acquisition. The   As of March 31, 2021, the company has
                                                                                reduced its total debt to $4.97bn, with a cash
                                                                                balance of $96mn, equating to net debt of
                                                                                $4.88bn (non-GAAP), reflecting a significant
                                                                                reduction from year-end 2020. The company’s
                                                                                recent debt reduction demonstrates the
                                                                                continued commitment to shareholder capital
                                                                                returns. The company expects to reduce total
                                                                                debt to approximately $4bn or below by year-
                                                                                end 2021.
                                                                                  The company plans to announce first
                                                                                quarter 2021 results on Wednesday, April 28,
                                                                                2021 after the close of trading on the New
                                                                                York Stock Exchange. The Company plans to
                                                                                host a conference call to discuss first quarter
                                                                                2021 results on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at
                                                                                12:00 p.m. ET (11:00 a.m. CT).
                                                                                CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, April 13, 2021

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