Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 15 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                that it has signed a long-term agreement
                                                                                with Chevron Phillips Chemical to provide
                                                                                ISCC PLUS certified renewable chemical
                                                                                feedstock produced through pyrolysis. New
                                                                                Hope Energy builds advanced recycling plants
                                                                                that process Scrap Plastic and Municipal
                                                                                Solid Waste into certified renewable chemical
                                                                                feedstocks. New Hope Energy has future
                                                                                plans to create sustainable trade zones to
                                                                                co-locate eco-friendly businesses to facilitate
                                                                                the circular economy. This agreement is a
                                                                                milestone in New Hope Energy plans to
       MIDSTREAM                           While the consents of CNP and OGE are   collaborate with international partners to
                                           sufficient to approve the transaction, Enable   meet their sustainability commitments.
       LM Energy launches open             is requesting all its common unitholders   of New Hope Energy, has entered into a
                                                                                  New Hope Technologies, an affiliate
                                           approve the merger and other proposals
       season for extension of             outlined in the Registration Statement by   joint development and commercialisation
                                                                                agreement with Green Circle, a division
                                           executing and returning the written consent
       its Touchdown crude oil             furnished with the filing. Energy Transfer and   of Lummus Technology, a world leader
                                                                                in licensing proprietary processes for the
                                           Enable expect the transaction to close in mid-
       gathering system in the             2021, subject to the satisfaction of customary   petrochemical, refining, and circular economy
                                           closing conditions, including Hart-Scott-
                                                                                markets, to scale and license New Hope
       Northern Delaware Basin             Rodino clearance.                    proprietary processes and equipment on a
                                                                                world-wide basis. New Hope Fabrication, a
                                           ENERGY TRANSFER AND ENABLE MIDSTREAM
       LM Energy Holdings today announced that   PARTNERS, April 12, 2021       subsidiary of New Hope Energy, will be the
       one of its subsidiaries, LM Touchdown Crude                              exclusive manufacturer of the proprietary
       III, has launched a binding open season to   WhiteWater announces        equipment and Lummus Technology will
       obtain commitments to support the continued                              provide a production and quality guarantee
       growth of its Touchdown crude oil gathering   open season at its Waha    on the equipment and output.
       system in the Northern Delaware Basin. The                                 Trinity Oaks Tyler Phase I is the first
       proposed extension of the system will gather   gas storage facility      of many plants to be built by New Hope
       crude oil from origination points in Eddy                                and is now operating 24/7 to produce the
       and Lea Counties, New Mexico and deliver   WhiteWater Midstream, today announced an   ISCC PLUS certified renewable chemical
       to destination points also in Eddy and Lea   open season to solicit commitments for firm   feedstock for Chevron Phillips Chemical.
       Counties, New Mexico. The binding open   natural gas storage services at the Waha Gas   New Hope is committed to helping create a
       season commenced today, April 12, 2021   Storage (WGS) facility in Pecos County, Texas.   circular economy and anticipates other long-
       at 8 a.m. Central Time and is scheduled to   WhiteWater is offering interested parties   term agreements with major oil and other
       conclude at 5 p.m. Central Time on May 12,   an opportunity to execute storage service   international companies in the near future, to
       2021.                               agreements for up to 2 bcf of firm storage   facilitate their sustainability goals.
       LM ENERGY HOLDINGS, April 12, 2021  capacity under firm intrastate or 311 storage   NEW HOPE ENERGY, April 12, 2021
                                           services. Service for the capacity contracted
       Energy Transfer announces           under this open season is anticipated to   ENERGY TRANSITION
                                           commence on or around July 1, 2022.
       receipt of consents to              Monday, April 12, 2021 and conclude at   Waga Energy, a European
                                              The open season will commence on
       the acquisition of Enable           5:00 PM CDT on Friday May 21, 2021.   leader in landfill gas
                                           WhiteWater may, in its sole discretion, extend
       Midstream from majority             the duration of the open season at any time.  recovery launches
                                           WHITEWATER MIDSTREAM, April 12, 2021

       Energy Transfer and Enable Midstream   DOWNSTREAM                        Canada’s first renewable
       Partners today announced that following                                  gas project
       the Securities and Exchange Commission   New Hope Energy Signs
       declaring effective the registration statement                           Waga Energy, the Mauricie Residual Materials
       on Form S-4 on April 7, 2021, the two   advanced recycling               Management Board (RGMRM) and Énergir
       largest Enable unitholders have delivered                                are joining forces to launch a renewable
       their written consents to approve the merger   agreement with Chevron    natural gas (RNG) injection project at the
       of Enable into Energy Transfer. These                                    Saint-Étienne-des-Grés landfill site, the first
       unitholders, CenterPoint Energy (CNP) and   Phillips Chemical            project of its kind on Canadian soil. The
       OGE Energy Corp (OGE), own approximately                                 WAGABOX® technology that will be used for
       79% of Enable’s outstanding common units.   New Hope Energy is pleased to announce   this project allows landfill site operators to

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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