Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Coast Guard led the comprehensive, almost   “We are excited to partner with B&W to   chain, from capture to sequestration. The
       four-year environmental review of this   accelerate further progress in the growing   collective will harmonise existing frameworks
       project. The ROD includes reviews by more   hydrogen economy, in particular, for bringing   and requirements through Project Canary’s
       than a dozen Federal governmental agencies,   more efficient and scalable solutions,” said   digital platform into high-fidelity data-driven
       including the Army Corps of Engineers and   Jill Evanko, Chart’s CEO and president. “The   measurement, reporting, and verification
       Environmental Protection Agency, as well as   combination of our respective companies’   (MRV) for CCS. The collective is working
       reviews and approvals by the State of Texas.  hydrogen, CO2 and chemical technology   with Advanced Resources Int. (ARI) as a
       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS, November   expertise is expected to bring more innovative   subsurface evaluation risk and data partner.
       30, 2022                            and cost-effective offerings to customers   Progressive policy and funding incentives
                                           looking to low-carbon intensity hydrogen to   from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and
                                           help achieve their carbon emission reduction   the Inflation Reduction Act have created
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   goals.”                              the environment necessary to accelerate the
                                           BABCOCK & WILCOX AND CHART INDUSTRIES,   development and scaling of CCS and other
       Babcock & Wilcox and Chart          December 01, 2022                    decarbonisation technologies. In addition
                                                                                to economic and policy drivers, the future
       Industries to collaborate           Hess Midstream publishes             of the CCS industry depends on the trust of
                                                                                all stakeholders, including the public. The
       on hydrogen innovation              sustainability report                members of this collective have brought
                                                                                together their substantial expertise to inform
       utilising B&W’s BrightLoop          Hess Midstream today announced publication   the development of data driven solutions
                                           of its 2021 Sustainability Report as part
                                                                                needed to ensure confidence in CCS as a
       technology                          of its commitment to transparency about   foundational climate solution. Participants
                                                                                recognise that collaboration and third-party
                                           environmental, social and governance plans
       Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) announced    and performance. The report is available on   independent validation of aggregated and
       today that it has entered into an agreement   the Hess Midstream website.  analysed data for CCS MRV will generate
       with Chart Industries to collaborate on the   Leading sustainability reporting   the trust required to deploy CCS projects at
       further deployment of B&W’s BrightLoop   frameworks were used to develop the Hess   pace and scale. Project Canary’s digital MRV
       hydrogen generation technology, utilising   Midstream Sustainability Report including   platform will increase the accuracy, efficacy,
       Chart’s integrated hydrogen liquefaction and   the Energy Infrastructure Council and GPA   and transparency of CCS facility-level data
       cryogenic carbon capture equipment and   Midstream Association Environment, Social   across each industry segment, providing
       expertise. Together, this solution provides   and Governance Reporting Template; the   trusted measurable insights on environmental
       economic generation of low-carbon hydrogen   Sustainability Accounting Standards Board   risks and performance. Outcomes from
       and supplies cost-effective, transportable   standard for oil and gas – midstream; the   the collective will harmonise the myriad
       forms of liquid hydrogen and carbon dioxide.  Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial   of existing and emerging CCS frameworks
         B&W and Chart will also work together   Disclosures; and the Global Reporting   or standards, simplifying the ability to
       to develop sales and marketing strategies for   Initiative Standards.    differentiate projects, players, and CO2
       potential commercial hydrogen and carbon   HESS MIDSTREAM, November 29, 2022  molecules to all interested stakeholders.
       capture customers and projects.                                            “Climate action requires innovation,
         “This collaboration agreement with   Six industry leaders              ingenuity, and, most importantly, partnership.
       Chart offers tremendous opportunity to                                   This collective represents a critical step in
       further deploy B&W’s advanced BrightLoop   collaborate to accelerate     nurturing mission-critical decarbonisation
       technology,” said Kenneth Young, Chairman                                projects,” said Chris Romer, CEO of Project
       and Chief Executive Officer, B&W. “Chart   development of carbon         Canary. “Data and analytics must be at the
       is recognised as an industry leader in                                   foundation of any net-zero goals – we’re proud
       liquefaction of CO2 and hydrogen, and their   capture and sequestration   to lead the charge towards measured progress
       expertise will complement B&W’s proven                                   alongside our partners.”
       chemical looping technology as we work   market                            The collaboration between these founding
       together to identify new opportunities to grow                           companies (additional collective members
       our respective businesses.”         Denbury, IMA Financial Group, Enerflex,   will be announced in the coming year) will
         “Low-carbon intensity hydrogen is already   Wolf Carbon Solutions US, Advanced   set forth the framework and standards to
       playing a key role in the global effort to reduce   Resources International and Project Canary   ensure that CO2 volumes are safely captured,
       emissions and combat climate change,” Young   have joined forces to support the development   transported, and permanently sequestered.
       said. “We’re excited to use our technologies   of third-party independent environmental   Reliable interconnected data will help
       and expertise to help customers across the   assessments and data measurement for   maximise the efficiency of capital allocation,
       power and industrial markets achieve their   carbon capture and sequestration (CCS).   catalyse market-based solutions, and solidify
       greenhouse gas and emissions reduction   Each partner brings significant expertise and   social licence to operate.
       targets.”                           perspective from across the carbon value   PROJECT CANARY, November 29, 2022

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