Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            it has completed the sale of its midstream   operation in June and is maintaining near
                                           system in Weld County, Colorado to   100% runtime. The high efficiency plant
       NOG announces closing of            Summit Midstream Partners. Outrigger’s   features ethane recovery and rejection
                                                                                capabilities with direct market access to the
                                           DJ Basin system includes a 60 mmcfd
       core Northern Delaware              cryogenic natural gas processing plant with   Northern Border Pipeline system for residue
                                                                                gas and the ONEOK NGL pipeline system for
                                           product deliveries to the Cheyenne Plains
       Basin bolt-on acquisition           gas pipeline and DCP’s natural gas liquids   natural gas liquids.
                                           (NGL) system, approximately 70 miles of
                                                                                OUTRIGGER ENERGY II, December 01, 2022
       Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) today    low-pressure natural gas gathering pipelines,
       announced the closing of a previously   approximately 90 miles of high-pressure   Enterprise’s SPOT project
       announced acquisition of non-operated   natural gas gathering pipelines, 12,800
       interests in the Northern Delaware Basin.  horsepower of field and plant compression   receives record of decision
         On December 1, 2022, NOG closed   and approximately 30 miles of crude oil
       its previously announced acquisition of   gathering pipelines with delivery to the Pony   Enterprise Products Partners today
       properties from Alpha Energy Partners. The   Express Pipeline. Outrigger’s DJ system is   announced that its Sea Port Oil Terminal
       closing settlement was $155.1mn in cash,   anchored by long-term, fee-based contracts   (SPOT) project recently received its Record
       which includes a $17.5mn deposit paid at   and approximately 310,000 dedicated acres   of Decision (ROD) from the US Department
       signing in September 2022. The closing   from leading basin operators.   of Transportation’s Maritime Administration
       cash settlement is net of preliminary and   Dave Keanini, Outrigger’s president   in accordance with the provisions of the
       customary purchase price adjustments and   and CEO, stated: “The robust midstream   Deepwater Port Act of 1974. The receipt of
       remains subject to post-closing settlements   system we developed in the DJ Basin proved   the ROD is a significant milestone in the
       between NOG and the seller. More    attractive to potential purchasers and this   process to obtain a license for SPOT under the
       information regarding this acquisition,   transaction with Summit delivers a positive   Deepwater Port Act.
       including potential additional future   outcome for our customers, employees, and   The proposed SPOT project is comprised
       consideration to be paid by NOG, can be   investors. Further, the system’s extensive   of a fixed-platform, deepwater port marine
       found in NOG’s September 30, 2022 press   high-pressure gas gathering footprint provides   terminal in the Gulf of Mexico that will be
       release announcing the transaction.  an excellent platform for interconnectivity   connected to an onshore crude oil storage
       NORTHERN OIL AND GAS, December 01, 2022  with multiple midstream systems in the   facility with approximately 4.8 million barrels
                                           DJ Basin, including Summit’s system. We   of capacity in Brazoria County, Texas. The
                                           have confidence that Summit’s experienced   platform will be located approximately
       MIDSTREAM                           team will provide excellent service to the   30 nautical miles off the coast of Texas
                                           producer community and continued efficient   in approximately 115-feet of water. The
       Outrigger Energy II                 consolidation and operation of midstream   platform will be connected to the onshore
                                           assets in the basin.”
                                                                                storage facility by two 36-inch, bi-directional
       completes sale of its DJ            Outrigger will be exclusively focused on the   pipelines. SPOT is designed to load very large
                                             With the sale of its DJ Basin system,
                                                                                crude carriers (VLCCs) and other crude oil
       Basin midstream system              continued development of its world class   tankers at rates up to 85,000 barrels per hour.
                                           Williston Basin system located in Williams
                                                                                  SPOT is one of the world’s most
       and provides business               and Mountrail Counties, North Dakota. The   environmentally focused energy
                                           system is ideally located to service growing
                                                                                infrastructure projects that includes state-of-
       update for its Williston            volumes and has exposure to several thousand   the-art pipeline control, vapor recovery and
                                           drilling locations across its footprint.
                                                                                leak detection systems. SPOT is designed
       Basin midstream system              Outrigger’s 250 mmcfd Bill Sanderson   to reduce carbon dioxide and volatile
                                                                                organic compound (VOC) emissions by
                                           cryogenic gas processing plant located west
       Outrigger Energy II announced today that   of Williston, ND commenced permanent   approximately 65% and 94%, respectively,
                                                                                compared to current industry practices. It
                                                                                also significantly reduces spill and collision
                                                                                risk and enhances overall maritime safety by
                                                                                eliminating the current routine of ship-to-ship
                                                                                oil transfers at sea.
                                                                                  Enterprise will begin work immediately to
                                                                                satisfy the remaining conditions to obtain the
                                                                                deepwater port licence in 2023. Remaining
                                                                                conditions include routine construction,
                                                                                operating and decommissioning guarantees,
                                                                                submission of public outreach, wetland
                                                                                restoration and VOC monitoring plans,
                                                                                and other state approvals. The Maritime
                                                                                Administration has indicated it will work with
                                                                                SPOT to address and satisfy the conditions of
                                                                                approval for the issuance of the license.
                                                                                  The Maritime Administration and US

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