Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       TC Energy approved to expand NGTL system

        CANADA           CANADA’S TC Energy has received approval  said the company. “The project has also been
                         from Ottawa to expand its Nova Gas Transmis-  impacted by other unexpected events including
                         sion Line (NGTL) gas pipeline system, which  drought conditions, and erosion and sediment
                         connects 75% of Canada’s overall production to  control challenges.”
                         domestic and export markets.          The company said it expects to provide an
                           The system is 15,219 miles (24,494 km) in  updated capital cost estimate in early-2023.
                         length. The West Path Delivery 2023 project will   The project is now overall 80% complete and
                         add about 25 miles (40 km) of new natural gas  should achieve mechanical completion by the
                         pipeline to the existing system.     end of 2023.
                           In 2019, Calgary-based TC Energy    “Although Phase One of Coastal GasLink has
                         announced a CAD1.2 bn ($893.3mn) expan-  been challenged by cost performance, we do not
                         sion programme, boosted by new long-term  expect any impact on the sustainability of our
                         and firm service contracts for around 258mn  dividend growth rate of 3-5% or our ability to
                         cubic feet (7.3mn cubic metres) per day.  accelerate our deleveraging target from 2026,”
                           “Our expansion programmes are an impor-  said TC Energy’s president and CEO, François
                         tant and integral part in bringing on additional  Poirier.
                         natural gas pipeline capacity to meet growing
                         demand across North America and globally  Trans Mountain
                         as we work to support energy transition and  Cost overruns are not limited to gas pipelines.
                         energy security needs,” stated the company fol-  The Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion   The company
                         lowing the approval.                 project, which being developed by the Cana-
                           Construction is set to begin in the first quar-  dian government after it bought the project   is expecting
                         ter of 2023, with an anticipated in-service date  from Kinder Morgan, has also struggled with
                         of November 1, 2023.                 escalating costs. In February, the subsidiary   a “material
                           Canada’s gas production has grown to 18bn  said its cost could reach CAD21.4bn ($15.7bn),
                         cubic feet (510 mcm) per day, and so much of  up from an earlier estimate of CAD12.6bn  increase” in the
                         the transmission system’s capacity is being used  ($9.2bn).                cost of its 416-
                         that gas exports can be stranded in Alberta and   The expanded pipeline will run from Alberta
                         British Columbia, pushing down spot prices.  to BC’s West Coast. It would ship 890,000 bar-  mile (670-km)
                           TC Energy’s efforts to expand pipeline capac-  rels per day (bpd) of oil from Edmonton to the
                         ity have been hampered by poor weather, labour  Port of Vancouver, up from 300,000 bpd. The  Coastal GasLink
                         shortages, tighter environmental requirements  1953 pipeline is the only one to run between
                         and delays in regulatory and government per-  Alberta and the West Coast.     pipeline.
                         mitting. Indeed, the company is expecting a   At the time, Trans Mountain cited flooding in
                         “material increase” in the cost of its 416-mile  BC, wildfires caused by drought and the Covid-
                         (670-km) Coastal GasLink pipeline project,  19 pandemic as reasons for the increased price
                         which would carry gas from northern BC to the  tag.
                         LNG Canada export terminal.           When the federal government took over the
                           “We continue to face significant cost pres-  project in 2018, the expansion was expected to
                         sures in Western Canada relating to labour  cost CAD7.4bn ($5.4bn). The government has
                         costs and shortages of skilled labour, along with  said that more public funds will not be invested
                         contractor underperformance and disputes,”  into the project.™

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