Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         day (bpd) in December. This accounts for more  or an increase of three rigs on this year. And it
                         than half of the US’ total tight oil output from  would not be surprising if other producers took
                         the seven leading shale regions, which the EIA  a similarly restrained approach in the face of
                         projects at 9.191mn bpd this month. It would  rising costs.
                         also represent another production record for the
                         basin.                               What next?
                           At the same time, though, productivity  The shale industry was once seen as a “swing
                         across all shale regions is falling after having  producer” that could rival OPEC in controlling
                         peaked in December 2020 at 1,545 bpd per  oil prices by ramping output up or down. This
                         new oil well. The EIA’s latest projections show  was questionable at the time, and certainly does   This gradual
                         new well production in the Permian dropping  not appear to be the case today, given that shale
                         by 12 bpd month on month to 1,049 bpd in  drillers are still limiting their response to price   decline in
                         December. Across all the major shale regions,  signals, and opting instead to pursue their exist-  productivity does
                         it is anticipated to fall by 11 bpd m/m to 953  ing strategies largely independently of what
                         bpd.                                 crude prices do.                      not appear to
                           This gradual decline in productivity does not   Indeed, the administration of US President
                         appear to bode well for the future, given that  Joe Biden has urged shale drillers to ramp up  bode well for the
                         shale basins will only become more mature and  production this year in order to send more
                         wells will be depleted. Indeed, drillers focused  energy exports to Europe as European coun-  future.
                         largely on the most productive sweet spots  tries scramble to reduce their dependence
                         in recent years, especially during the oil price  on Russian oil and gas. But these calls by
                         downturns, and the depletion of these areas will  the Biden administration have largely gone
                         increasingly push them out into less productive  unheeded.
                         parts of their acreage.               This paves the way for OPEC to restore its
                           On top of this, the costs of drilling are esca-  dominance over the market, if the group does
                         lating along with inflation. One producer, EOG  not have to worry that the shale industry will
                         Resources, said recently that it expected oilfield  act to neutralise its moves to adjust produc-
                         costs to climb by 10% next year, on top of a 7%  tion levels. And it adds to speculation that the
                         rise in 2022. The company said it would main-  shale boom is effectively over, even though
                         tain low single-digit oil production growth over  there is still some way to go before production
                         the course of 2023, running 28-30 drilling rigs  growth peaks.™

       Week 48   01•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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