Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US grants Chevron partial waiver

       from sanctions on Venezuela

       The US Department of the Treasury has authorised Chevron to resume oil production

       at existing joint venture projects

        US-VENEZUELA     NEARLY four years have passed since Nicolas  restart oil production in Venezuela.
                         Maduro won another term as the president of   The US Treasury Department unveiled the
       WHAT:             Venezuela. He secured that term in an election  new policy in a statement on November 26,
       OFAC has issued GL 41,   that was marked by widespread allegations of  saying in a statement that the Office of Foreign
       which grants Chevron   fraud, and the US government, then headed  Asset Control (OFAC) had issued a document
       permission to restart oil   by President Donald Trump, responded by  known as Venezuela General License (GL) 41
       production in Venezuela.  declaring opposition leader Juan Guaido to be  to Chevron. Under this document, it said, the
                         Venezuela’s rightful leader and then imposing  US major may resume activities and operations
       WHY:              sanctions on the country’s petroleum industry.  in Venezuela – but only those related to its exist-
       The deal was struck   The sanctions regime then outlasted Trump  ing joint ventures with PdVSA, not to any new
       after the Maduro   and remained in place after Joe Biden assumed  projects.
       administration and the   the US presidency in early 2021. Even though   The statement stressed that GL 41 had been
       Venezuelan opposition   the new administration did not have the same  issued in response to the Maduro regime’s
       returned to Mexico City   degree of hostility to Maduro, who favours the  agreement to resume discussions with Vene-
       for talks on elections.  Bolivarian socialist precepts espoused by his  zuela’s main opposition body on a new election
                         predecessor Hugo Chavez, it did not rush to lift   deal. “On November 26, the Unitary Platform
       WHAT NEXT:        the restrictions on investment and trading in  and the Maduro regime announced the resump-
       Chevron is showing more   Venezuelan oil, gas and fuels.  tion of talks in Mexico City; a humanitarian
       caution, as officials   However, the Biden team does appear to have  agreement focused on education, health, food
       in Caracas seeking to   seen the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a rea-  security, flood response and electricity pro-
       eliminate conditions.  son to reconsider policy toward Caracas. Some  grammes that will benefit the Venezuelan peo-
                         officials in Washington suggested earlier this  ple; and agreement on the continuation of talks
                         year that PdVSA, Venezuela’s national oil com-  focused on the 2024 elections,” it said. It also
                         pany (NOC), be given permission to ramp up  emphasised that official US policy was to make
                         oil production and exports in order to compen-  sanctions relief conditional on progress toward
                         sate for the removal or redirection of Russian  a deal on elections between the government and
                         crude supplies from their traditional markets,  the opposition.           The Biden team
                         for example. Others took the more concrete step
                         of authorising Eni (Italy) to resume shipments  First take in Caracas      does appear to
                         of Venezuelan crude oil to Europe without any  The Treasury Department’s announcement met   have seen the
                         risk of sanctions penalties.         with an enthusiastic reception in Caracas.
                           According to previous reports, Eni began tak-  On November 29, Venezuela’s Petroleum   Russian invasion
                         ing advantage of that green light in the second  Minister Tareck El Aissami wrote in a Twitter
                         quarter of the year. In the first round of deliv-  post that he was holding a working meeting   of Ukraine as
                         eries, which occurred in June and July, it sent  with Javier La Rosa, the president of Chevron
                         no less than 3.6mn barrels of diluted crude oil  Venezuela. He noted that the US major had   a reason to
                         (DCO) to Europe. (It swapped 3mn barrels, or  been active in Venezuela for a century and said   reconsider policy
                         more than 83% of the total, with Spain’s Rep-  he expected the meeting to be fruitful.
                         sol, which owns complex refineries that are   His words were exultant: “In the coming   toward Caracas.
                         more capable of handling this heavy feedstock.)  hours, we will sign contracts to promote the
                         The second round of deliveries then began in  development of joint ventures and oil produc-
                         November.                            tion; as we have always done, in the terms estab-
                                                              lished in the Constitution and other Venezuelan
                         OFAC issues GL 41                    laws. NOW TO PRODUCE!!!”
                         And now, there has been an even bigger devel-  The following day, Maduro added in a sepa-
                         opment with respect to sanctions relief. On  rate Twitter post that El Aissami expected all of
                         November 26, the US government announced  the contracts between PdVSA and Chevron to
                         that it had granted Chevron permission to  be signed within the next few days.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   01•December•2022
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