Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         Second take: Reading the fine print  fourth-largest gas reserves,” he declared. “They
                         This optimistic tone did not last. Somewhere  cannot take us out, sooner or later we will be an
                         along the line, officials in Caracas must have  oil and petrochemical power.”
                         noticed that GL 41 did not just wave Chevron   He added: “Our oil is not an ideological-po-
                         ahead, giving it carte blanche to proceed with  litical issue. It is a free resource. We produce it
                         business as usual; rather, it placed certain limits  and sell it to those who need it, not to those who
                         on the US major’s ability to operate in Venezuela.  think like us – yes, at fair prices based on con-
                           For example, the statement says explicitly  tracts that respect our legislation.”
                         that Chevron’s re-entry cannot result in PdVSA
                         receiving any profit as a result of sales of Ven-  Chevron’s take: Caution
                         ezuelan oil. It continues: “GL 41 authorises  In the meantime, Chevron is saying that it has
                         activity related to Chevron’s joint ventures in  limited expectations for its initial return to Ven-
                         Venezuela only and does not authorise other  ezuela – which could, after all, be last for as little
                         activity with PdVSA. Other Venezuela-related  as six months, as that is the term of GL 41.
                         sanctions and restrictions imposed by the [US]   Technically, the timespan involved could be
                         remain in place; the [US] will vigorously enforce  even shorter, as it could be terminated any time.
                         these sanctions and will continue to hold  But even if the US major remains active in the
                         accountable any actor that engages in corrup-  South American state for the entire six months,
                         tion, violates US laws or abuses human rights  it remains to be seen how much it accomplishes.
                         in Venezuela.”                       Michael Wirth, the CEO of Chevron, said at the
                           Those provisions of the document appear  Economic Club of New York earlier this week
                         to have roused Maduro’s ire. On December 1,  that he did not expect his company to accom-
                         the Venezuelan president was quoted in a press  plish much in the way of new drilling this year.
                         release as saying that while he appreciated the   “We’re not likely to be coming in with invest-
                         partial lifting of trade restrictions, the US was  ment in a drilling campaign that grows produc-
                         overstepping its bounds by seeking to constrain  tion in the next six months,” he commented.
                         PdVSA’s finances.                    “There’s a lot of work that has to be done ... to  Wirth’s caution
                           “They are going in the right direction, but they  allow us to move in that direction.”
                         are not enough for what Venezuela demands,   Wirth’s caution probably does not stem from   probably does
                         which is the complete lifting of all sanctions and  concern about criticism, even though the deal   not stem from
                         measures on the national oil industry,” Maduro  has drawn some opposition in the US, with
                         was quoted as saying in a company press release.  members of the Republican Party faulting   concern about
                         “Venezuela has the right to economic and pro-  Biden for being willing to work with Maduro’s
                         duction freedom. An attempt is being made to  administration. Instead, it is more a product   criticism, even
                         mount a neocolonial model on us, where a for-  of caution – and the understanding that it will
                         eign country executes sanctions and tells the rest  take time to bring Venezuela’s long-neglected   though the deal
                         of the world that another country cannot sell or  and inadequately repaired production, pro-  has drawn some
                         produce oil.”                        cessing and transportation infrastructure back
                           The Venezuelan president also asserted his  into action.                opposition in the
                         country’s right to do as it pleased with its own   Nevertheless, the Chevron head is right
                         resources. Washington does not have the right  to be cautious. Maduro’s frustration with   US.
                         to try to keep Caracas from taking its place at the  US efforts to keep profit out of the hands of
                         table among other global oil producers, he said.  PdVSA could lead to squabbling over GL 41.
                           “Taking the company away from us and tak-  If it does, the US super-major will be sure to
                         ing Venezuela out of the world’s energy circuit  bear the consequences of that squabbling –
                         was a terrible, extremist idea of Donald Trump,  and it will end up needing even more time
                         and they are paying for it, because Venezuela  to carry out repair and maintenance work in
                         has the largest reserve in the world and the  Venezuela before it can start production.™

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