Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Questions linger over shale’s future

       US tight oil output from shale formations continues to rise for now, but there are longer-term

       uncertainties over the industry’s future

        US               US tight oil production continues to grow and  continued to urge and exercise caution. This is
                         hit new records, but the overall pace of growth is  linked to continued pressure from investors,
       WHAT:             slowing and there are concerns over the indus-  who took a hit during the early years of the shale
       There are uncertainties   try’s future over the longer term. Much of this  boom, especially as many debt-laden producers
       over the future of shale   has to do with the evolving approach taken by  fell into bankruptcy in the mid-to-late 2010s. As
       drilling in the longer   shale drillers in recent years. Oil price downturns  a result, shareholders’ focus shifted from the pur-
       term.             during the past decade have put an end to the  suit of growth to returns and rising oil prices do
                         unrestrained pursuit of growth among produc-  not appear to have changed this.
       WHY:              ers, who have also become fewer in number as   The industry also looks considerably dif-
       Leading tight oil   the industry has consolidated.     ferent now compared to its early days. Years
       producers have taken   Now, a smaller group of large shale producers  of consolidation have resulted in the smaller
       a more restrained   continues to act with restraint even as oil prices  independents largely being absorbed by their
       approach recently and   have risen to multi-year highs over the past  larger counterparts, to the point that a handful
       this does not appear to   year. There have been some predictions that  of major players dominate shale production.
       be changing.      this could change, but shale drillers’ attitudes  These companies tend to have more cash at
                         largely do not appear to be shifting, regardless  their disposal, but have also learned from recent
       WHAT NEXT:        of price trends. Output keeps rising, but more  years to spend with caution. Much of the discus-
       There are concerns over   slowly than it had done in the past. And over  sion from these companies remains focused on
       future productivity as   the long term, there are further concerns over  returning cash to shareholders.
       shale wells continue to   productivity as shale plays mature and wells
       mature.           become depleted.                     Production trends
                                                              The Permian Basin still accounts for the majority
                         Shale restraint                      of tight oil output – with the US Energy Infor-
                         Despite occasional speculation that shale drillers  mation Administration (EIA) projecting in its
                         will ramp up production once again if oil prices  latest monthly Drilling Productivity Report that
                         keep rising, most of the major players have  Permian production will hit 5.499mn barrels per

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   01•December•2022
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