Page 13 - DMEA Week 43 2020
P. 13

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       US ramps up Iran sanctions

       ahead of election

        IRAN             THE US this week imposed sanctions on Iran’s  the new sanctions were “a passive reaction to the
                         Minister of Petroleum as well as various state-  failure of Washington’s policy of reducing [Iran’s]
       Sanctions have been   owned companies related to the sector in a final  crude oil exports to zero.” He added: “The era of
       imposed on Iran’s   turn of the knife before Americans go to the bal-  unilateralism is over in the world. Iran’s oil indus-
       petroleum minister and   lot on November 3.            try will not be hamstrung.”
       various state-owned   US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said:   NIOC subsidiaries included in the latest
       companies.        “The Iranian regime continues to prioritise its  round of sanctions include National Iranian
                         support for terrorist entities and its nuclear pro-  Oil Refining and Distribution Co. (NIORDC),
                         gramme over the needs of the Iranian people.”  National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Co.
                           He added that the sanctions had been  (NIOPDC), Iranian Oil Pipelines and Telecom-
                         imposed because of the oil industry’s support for  munications Co., National Iranian Oil Engineer-
                         the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)  ing and Construction Co., Abadan Oil Refining
                         and the elite Quds Force (QF).       Co., Imam Khomeini Shazand Oil Refining Co.
                           In addition to Minister Bijan Zanganeh, the  and the National Petrochemical Co. (NPC).
                         Ministry of Petroleum, the National Iranian Oil   Meanwhile, Zanganeh was joined by
                         Co. (NIOC) and the National Iranian Tanker Co.  NIOC’s managing director Masoud Karbasian,
                         (NITC) were designated “pursuant to [executive  NITC’s managing director Nasrollah Sardashti,
                         order] 13224, a counterterrorism authority, for  NIORDC director Alireza Sadiqabadi and NPC
                         their financial support” the IRGC QF, the Treas-  managing director Behzad Mohammadi as indi-
                         ury Department said in a statement.  viduals being designated.
                           In particular, it said that senior NIOC and   The move follows the imposition of strictures
                         NITC officials had collaborated closely with sen-  on 18 banks as Washington targeted the financial
                         ior IRGC-QF official Rostam Ghasemi, who was  sector.
                         designated in 2019. Ghasemi has stepped into   Iranian crude production fell to 2mn barrels
                         the role left by IRGC-QF Commander Qasem  per day, according to an OPEC survey by S&P
                         Soleimani after he was killed by a US drone strike  Platts, a drop of 1.1mn bpd year on year.
                         in early 2020.                         The result of next week’s election is likely to
                           Separately, US Secretary of State Mike Pom-  have significant repercussions for the Iranian
                         peo said: “The few remaining buyers of Iranian  economy, with incumbent President Don-
                         crude oil should know that they are helping to  ald Trump envisaged sticking to his hardline
                         fund Iran’s malign activity across the Middle  approach, while Democrat nominee Joe Biden
                         East, including its support for terrorism.”  has said he would be open to dialogue with Teh-
                           Meanwhile, Zanganeh hit back, saying that  ran. ™

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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