Page 15 - DMEA Week 43 2020
P. 15

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Brooge starts ground work for

       storage expansion

        UAE              UAE storage developer Brooge Energy has begun   The company’s Phase-1 and Phase-2 facilities
                         preconstruction work on a phase-3 expansion at  are fully contracted on a multi-year basis, and it
       The project will   its storage and terminal hub in Fujairah.  has said before that it will not commit fully to
       potentially include a   The work underway includes a soil investiga-  Phase 3 until those planned units are fully con-
       18,000 bpd refinery.  tion and the environmental impact assessment  tracted as well.
                         (EIA) report. Brooge hired MUC Oil & Gas   Finding clients is unlikely to present much of
                         Engineering Consultancy to carry out technical  a problem, given global storage levels have risen
                         studies on the expansion plan in April. Under  to unprecedented highs this year owing to the
                         that contract, MUC will design 2.1-3.5mn cubic  destruction to demand caused by coronavirus
                         metres (13.2-22.0mn barrels) of storage space for  (COVID-19) lockdowns. Uncertainty about
                         crude oil and refined fuels, as well as a potential  how long it will take to get the pandemic under
                         18,000 barrel per day (bpd) oil refinery.  control and geopolitical instability mean it could
                           The expansion will position Brooge as the  take years for storage levels to slide back to pre-
                         largest oil storage operator in Fujairah, which  COVID-19 levels.
                         has grown into a major storage site over the years   Phase-3 is due to be operational in late 2022,
                         thanks to its strategic location outside the Strait  Brooge has said before. While the company does
                         of Hormuz. Iran has repeatedly threatened to  not disclose which clients use its existing storage,
                         block the narrow and congested waterway.  Reuters reported in May that France’s Total had
                           Brooge began hydrotests in August at its  leased six storage tanks for six months and might
                         Phase-2 oil facilities, which will expand its stor-  extend the contract for a further six months.
                         age capacity in Fujairah from 1mn cubic metres   Beside storage, Fujairah is also among the
                         (6.3mn barrels), from the current 2.5mn barrels.  world’s largest hubs for bunkering. ™


       Explosion occurs at Iranian

       petrochemicals complex

        IRAN             AN explosion occurred at a petrochemicals plant  Tehran refinery, although the incident was not
                         in south-western Iran on October 23, according  thought to have affected production. Another
       Iran has been plagued   to local reports, but the resulting blaze was extin-  fire broke out at an Iranian power station on
       by a series of explosions    guished within hours.     July 4, while chlorine gas leaked out at a petro-
       at energy and military   Bandar Imam Petrochemical was quoted as  chemical plant on the same day. A week later
       facilites in recent   saying by the ISNA news agency that the compa-  there was an explosion in early July at a petro-
       months.           ny’s own firefighters and regional fire teams had  chemicals plant in the south-west belonging to
                         put out the fire before it could spread from the  Shahid Tondgooyan Petrochemical, although
                         plant’s aromatics unit. One worker was mildly  authorities said it did not lead to any casualties
                         injured, according to the company.   or financial damage.
                           As of press time, it is unclear whether the fire   An explosion in July at Iran’s Natanz nuclear
                         had affected production at the petrochemicals  facility was later attributed to “sabotage” by Iran’s
                         complex, one of Iran’s biggest and which exports  Atomic Energy Organisation.
                         over 1mn tonnes per year (tpy) of products.  This series of incidents have come as Iran’s
                           A number of fires and explosions have been  government targets a significant expansion in
                         reported across the country in recent months,  the country’s petrochemicals output. Iranian Oil
                         mostly at energy and military facilities. Some  Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said in July
                         have been linked to the deterioration of Ira-  that as many as 17 petrochemical investments
                         nian infrastructure, while others appear to be  were due to be up and running by March 2021,
                         security-related.                    with a combined production capacity of 25mn
                           In early June, a fire was caused by a gaso-  tpy. Their completion will bring national output
                         line link at the 220,000 barrel per day (bpd)  to 90mn tpy, the minister said. ™

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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