Page 16 - DMEA Week 43 2020
P. 16

DMEA                                       PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       OMV closes $4.7bn

       Borealis deal

        AUSTRIA          AUSTRIAN  oil giant OMV has closed a  implementation of our strategy,” OMV CEO
                         $4.7bn deal to buy an extra 39% stake in pet-  Rainer Seele said. “We are thus establishing
       OMV will get a greatr   rochemicals group Borealis from Abu Dhabi  an integrated and sustainable business model
       say over the flagship   state investor Mubadala, it announced on  extending OMV’s value chain towards higher
       Ruwais petrochemicals   October 29.                    value chemical products and recycling, thereby
       project in the UAE.  The transaction was first announced in  repositioning the group for a lower carbon
                         March, serving as part of OMV’s strategy of  future.”
                         expanding in gas and petrochemicals and mov-  The deal, which OMV funded with bond
                         ing away from crude oil. OMV already has a 36%  sales, will position OMV as the top producer of
                         interest in Borealis, but controlling a majority  ethylene and propylene in Europe and place it
                         share will provide it with greater say over a key  among the top 10 polyolefin producers world-
                         project in the UAE.                  wide. OMV plans to expand joint work with
                           Borealis’ Borouge joint venture with Abu  Borealis on plastics recycling, including its con-
                         Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) owns the  version to oil using the Austrian firm’s ReOil
                         Ruwais complex, poised to become the world’s  technology.
                         largest integrated refining and petrochemicals   OMV is also divesting assets elsewhere,
                         hub.                                 including a 51% stake in gas grid operator Gas
                           Ruwais currently produces 4.5mn tonnes  Connect Austria.
                         per year of petrochemical products, including   Mubadala, a minority shareholder in OMV,
                         2.3mn tpy of polyethylene and 1.76mn tpy of  has retained a further 25% interest in Borealis.
                         polypropylene. But ADNOC wants to double its   “This transaction is well aligned with our
                         capacity by 2030, as part of the UAE’s drive to  strategy as a responsible investor and we are con-
                         expand petrochemical exports, particularly to  fident in the value this partnership will create for
                         China.                               all three companies,” Mubadala CEO Musabbeh
                           “This transaction is another milestone in the  Al Kaabi said in a statement. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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