Page 14 - DMEA Week 43 2020
P. 14

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  NMDPRA will be
                                                                                                  responsible for ensuring
                                                                                                  domestic gas supplies.

       Nigeria’s PIB would fold PPPRA,

       PEF into new agency

        NIGERIA          THE Nigerian government’s proposed oil and  reported. To this end, the PIB states, the new
                         gas law, known as the Petroleum Industry Bill  agency will “be setting cost benchmarks for
       The Nigerian      (PIB), looks set to fold two of the existing agen-  midstream and downstream petroleum opera-
       government’s proposed   cies that regulate the downstream sector into a  tions, [will] provide pricing tariffs framework for
       oil and gas law, known   new agency.                   natural gas and fair market value of the applica-
       as the Petroleum    The West African state’s downstream sec-  ble petroleum products ... [and will advise] the
       Industry Bill (PIB),   tor is currently under the supervision of the  government, its agencies and other stakeholders
       looks set to fold two of   Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency  on the commercial market relating to tariff and
       the existing agencies   (PPPRA) and the Petroleum Equalisation Fund  pricing frameworks.”
       that regulate the   (PEF). Additionally, the Department of Petro-  Additionally, the bill says, NMDPRA will
       downstream sector into   leum Resources (DPR) has the authority to reg-  “[grant], issue, modify, extend, renew, review,
       a new agency.     ulate activity in the upstream, midstream and  cancel, reissue or terminate licences, permits and
                         downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry.  authorisation for midstream and downstream
                           Under the PIB, though, a new agency known  petroleum operations.”
                         as the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream   The language of the bill is more or less in line
                         Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA)  with remarks made by Timipre Sylva, Nigeria’s
                         will monitor commercial, operational and tech-  Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, in
                         nical operations in the downstream sector and  early September. At that time, Sylva said that the
                         the midstream sector. “The Authority shall be  federal government intended to merge PPPRA
                         responsible for the technical and commercial  and PEF into a single regulatory agency. The cre-
                         regulation of the midstream and the down-  ation of this new entity, he said, is designed to
                         stream petroleum operations in the petroleum  streamline and optimise downstream and mid-
                         industry,” the bill states.          stream operations in order to ensure efficient
                           The legislation “will also promote health safe,  fuel deliveries to Nigerian consumers.
                         efficient and effective conduct of midstream   The minister was speaking a few weeks before
                         and downstream petroleum operation in an  Abuja submitted the PIB to both houses of the
                         environmentally acceptable and suitable man-  National Assembly for consideration. Nigerian
                         ner,” according to the text of the PIB, as cited  President Muhammadu Buhari has said he
                         by Nigerian News Agency (NAN). “Also, it will  hopes to sign the law before the end of the year.
                         promote a competitive market for the midstream   As of press time, it was not clear whether
                         and downstream petroleum operations and pro-  the plan to incorporate PPPRA and PEF into
                         mote the supply and distribution of natural gas  NMDPRA had garnered any responses from
                         and petroleum products in the midstream and  employees of those agencies. When the previous
                         downstream,” it said.                administration mooted a similar plan in 2018, it
                           One of NMDPRA’s main tasks will be to  said it intended to transfer the two agencies’ staff
                         ensure domestic supplies of natural gas, NAN  to the new agency. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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