Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 19 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         He did not say whether the company was eyeing   Biofuels (ANP).
                         any specific projects but indicated that Chevron   Chevron currently has stakes in 11 explo-
                         was particularly keen on contributing to large-  ration blocks in the Santos and Campos basins
                         scale upstream initiatives.          within Brazil’s offshore zone. The US major
                           This interest in scale will probably lead the   acquired stakes in six of these blocks in 2018,
                         firm to pre-salt projects, he commented, accord-  including three Santos Basin sites (S-M-764,
                         ing to a Reuters report.             Saturno and Tres Marias) and three Campos
                           “Where? Where we can find scale, and that’s   Basin sites (C-M-791, C-M-821 and C-M-823);
                         in the pre-salt areas,” the news agency quoted   it serves as operator of S-M-764 and is a non-op-
                         him as saying.                       erating partner in the other five licence areas.
                           The pre-salt sections of the offshore zone   The company then acquired stakes in
                         account for more than half of Brazil’s total crude   another five blocks in 2019, including one San-
                         oil and natural gas output, which currently   tos Basin site (S-M-766) and four Campos Basin
                         stands at around 3.7mn barrels of oil equivalent   sites (C-M-659, C-M-713, C-M-825 and C-M-
                         per day (boepd). They are expected to make up   845). It serves as the operator of S-M-766 and
                         most of the anticipated increases in Brazilian   C-M-845 and a non-operating partner in the
                         production, which is set to rise to 5.5mn boepd   other three sites.
                         by 2025, according to forecasts drawn up by the   None of these offshore sites has yet moved
                         National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and   beyond the exploration stage. ™

       US government asked Petrobras to

       raise oil output in March, sources say

                         US government officials met with represent-  in an “informal” follow-up to those initial con-
                         atives of Brazil’s national oil company (NOC)   tacts, one source explained.
                         Petrobras in March to request that the South   During the meeting, the US officials asked
                         American country increase crude output in   Petrobras to raise production, at least on a short-
                         response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine,   term basis, in order to relieve pressure on global
                         three sources with knowledge of the matter told   crude markets. This request did not bear any
                         Reuters earlier this week.           fruit, as the NOC responded to the request in
                           According to Reuters’ sources, who spoke on   the negative, said the sources.
                         condition of anonymity because the talks were   Petrobras team members explained this
                         private, the meeting took place shortly after the   stance by saying that the company used busi-
                         US and Brazilian governments began bilateral   ness strategy rather than diplomacy as the main
                         discussions on the situation in Ukraine. Officials   source of guidance for its production targets, the
                         in Washington sought to consult with Petrobras   said.

                                        Pre-salt fields will help Petrobras raise output by 500,000 bpd by 2026 (Image: Petrobras)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2022
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