Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 19 2022
P. 13
Petrobras begins binding
phase of E&P assets in
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
on April 11, 2022, informs that today it started
the binding phase regarding the sale of its total
participation in the Tartaruga field, located in
shallow waters of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin,
state of Sergipe. contract on December 17, 2020 and (b) $246mn Basin, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, to the
Potential buyers qualified for this phase will on today’s date, already considering the adjust- company Aguila Energia e Participações.
receive a process letter with instructions on the ments foreseen in the contract. The total amount of the sale was $750,000,
divestment process, including guidelines for due This disclosure is in accordance with Petro- having been paid (a) $150,000 at the signing
diligence and for submitting binding proposals. bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of the of the contract on December 17, 2021 and (b)
This disclosure is in accordance with Petro- special procedure for the assignment of rights of $600,000 on today’s date, already considering the
bras’ divestment guidelines and the provisions exploration, development and production of oil, adjustments foreseen in the contract.
of the special procedure for the assignment of natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro- This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
rights of exploration, development and produc- vided for in Decree 9,355/2018. bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of the
tion of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocar- This transaction is in line with the compa- special procedure for the assignment of rights of
bons, provided for in Decree No. 9,355/2018. ny’s portfolio management strategy and the exploration, development and production of oil,
This operation is in line with the compa- improved allocation of its capital, aiming to natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-
ny’s portfolio management strategy and the maximise value and provide greater return to vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.
improved allocation of its capital, aiming to society. Petrobras continues to increasingly con- This transaction is in line with the compa-
maximise value and provide a higher return to centrate its resources on assets that have shown ny’s portfolio management strategy and the
society. Petrobras continues to concentrate its great competitive edge over the years, with lower improved allocation of its capital, aiming to
resources on assets in deep and ultradeep waters, greenhouse gas emissions. maximise value and provide greater return to
where it has shown a great competitive differen- About Recôncavo Cluster: The Cluster com- society. Petrobras continues to increasingly con-
tial over the years, producing better quality oil prises the onshore fields of Aratu, Ilha de Bim- centrate its resources on assets that have shown
and lower greenhouse gas emissions. barra, Mapele, Massui, Candeias, Cexis, Socorro, great competitive edge over the years, with lower
About Tartaruga field: The Tartaruga field is Dom João, Dom João Mar, Pariri, Socorro greenhouse gas emissions.
located on the northern coast of the state of Ser- Extensão, São Domingos, Cambacica, and Gua- About the BT-POT-55A concession: The
gipe, in the municipality of Pirambu, in shallow nambi, located in the state of Bahia. Petrobras is concession was acquired in 2006 in the 7th
waters of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The wells in the operator with 100% stake in these conces- Bidding Round of Blocks held by the National
the field were drilled directionally, from the base sions, with the exception of Cambacica and Gua- Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
located in the onshore portion of the ring-fence. nambi, in which it has majority interest of 75% (ANP). Petrobras held a 70% stake and Sonan-
The average production in Q1-2022 was approx- and 80%, respectively. The average production gol, the concession operator, held the other 30%.
imately 202.26 bpd of light oil (37 degrees API) of the Recôncavo Cluster from January to April The consortium drilled two wells in the area,
and 2,161 cubic metres per day of associated gas. 2022 was approximately 1,321.56 bpd of oil and one gas discoverer and one delineation well.
Petrobras holds a 25% stake in the field and 444,150 cubic metres per day of natural gas. There are no remaining Minimum Exploratory
Maha Energy Brasil is the operator, with a 75% About 3R Candeias: 3R Candeias is a com- Programme (MEP) commitments to be fulfilled.
stake. pany focused on the redevelopment of mature Petrobras, May 10 2022
Petrobras, May 10 2022 and producing fields, a wholly owned subsidiary
of 3R Petroleum Óleo e Gás, a company listed on
Petrobras concludes sale B3 New Market. PERFORMANCE
Petrobras, May 10 2022
of onshore fields in Bahia Ecopetrol announces
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed Petrobras concludes sale of Q1-2022 Results
on December 17, 2020, informs that today it con- E&P asset in Potiguar Basin
cluded the sale of its entire stake in 14 onshore In words of Felipe Bayón Pardo, CEO of Ecopet-
exploration and production fields, called Recôn- Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed rol: “Ecopetrol closed the first quarter of 2022
cavo Cluster, located in the state of Bahia, to 3R on December 27, 2021, informs that today with results that support our efforts aligned with
Candeias, previously named Ouro Preto Ener- it finalised the sale, together with Sonangol a fair and responsible energy transition, affirm-
gia Onshore, a wholly owned subsidiary of 3R Hidrocarbonetos Brasil (Sonangol), of all the ing our commitment to provide energy security
Petroleum Óleo e Gás. stakes held by both companies in the onshore in Colombia and other countries where we oper-
The total amount of the sale was $256mn, exploratory block POT-T-794, belonging to the ate, within the framework of our 2040 Strategy
having been paid (a) $10mn at the signing of the BT-POT-55A concession, located in the Potiguar ‘Energy that Transforms.’
Week 19 12•May•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13