Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 19 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       “The current international crude oil price envi-  and public order circumstances, situations that   “In the Downstream segment, the consoli-
       ronment (average Q1-2022 Brent price was  have been gradually restored. As of March, we  dated throughput reached 325,000 bpd during
       $98 per barrel) is being driven primarily by the  achieved an average production of 705,000  a quarter characterised by scheduled mainte-
       uncertainty that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has  boepd.                 nance activities in both refineries; as a result of
       generated on global hydrocarbon supply, and   “During this quarter, the contribution to  comprehensive planning in the logistics chain,
       the recent Chinese lockdown implications on  production of gas was 19.8% (136,700 boepd)  we were able to fully supply the domestic market.
       demand. The Ecopetrol Group and the coun-  and whites was 3.8% (26,200 boepd) for a total  In addition, we celebrated the 100-year anniver-
       tries where we operate are not exempt from the  increase of natural gas of 6.1% compared to  sary of the Barrancabermeja Refinery, a leading
       consequences of this situation nor to its impact  Q1-2021, driven by domestic demand recovery.  force of the country’s development.
       on economic recovery.                  “In Unconventional Reservoirs, with 31   “On the commercial front, we highlight the
         “Although the increase in prices has benefit-  new wells in Permian entering into production,  improvement of the realization price of our
       ted our revenues, it has also created challenges  we completed a total of 135 producing wells,  crude oil basket, which increased from $57.8 per
       in terms of inflation, where high energy costs  reaching an average JV production in March  barrel in Q1-2021 to $88.3 per barrel in Q1-2022
       and an international logistics crisis are begin-  of 61,400 boepd (net for JV before royalties),  as a consequence of the Brent increase and the
       ning to pressure our operating costs and project  corresponding to 30,100 boepd net for Eco-  ongoing commercial strategy to diversify to
       execution timelines. The Ecopetrol Group has  petrol before royalties. For the quarter, average  other export destinations, which mitigated the
       been constantly monitoring the direct and indi-  production was 26,700 boepd (net for Ecopet-  effect of a more competitive market. Further-
       rect impacts of inflation and has implemented  rol before royalties). On March 25, the ANLA  more, Ecopetrol Trading Asia completed its first
       actions to mitigate its effects.    issued a resolution granting the environmental  sale for 1.09mn barrels of crude, which we expect
         “During the quarter, in our Grow with the  license for the Kalé Integral Exploratory Pilot  to deliver during the second quarter of this year.”
       Energy Transition strategic pillar, we achieved  Project in Colombia, which we expect will be   Ecopetrol, May 10 2022
       positive results across all segments. In explora-  confirmed as final during the next few months.
       tion, I would like to highlight the results of the  We are also expecting the public audience for   GeoPark reports
       3rd Permanent Offer Cycle of the ANP in Brazil,  the environmental impact study for the Platero
       where, in conjunction with Shell, we obtained  project, which was filed in February of this year.   Q1-2022 results
       6 offshore blocks, located in the Santos basin,  At the Ecopetrol Group we are convinced of the
       increasing our presence now to 12 offshore Bra-  importance that unconventionals represent for  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin American
       zilian blocks, as we continue consolidating our  the country’s energy security; and as such, we  oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator,
       exploration efforts in high potential basins.  will continue pursuing activities related to the  reports its consolidated financial results for the
         “In production we reached this quarter an  pilots, including multiple discussions with local  three-month period ended March 31, 2022.
       average of 692,000 boepd, an increase of 16,300  communities and other stakeholders to provide   Q1-2022 Highlights: Accelerated Profitable
       boepd as compared to the same quarter of 2021,  details about the projects progress and clarify  Production. Consolidated oil and gas produc-
       primarily explained by: i) our outstanding oper-  their concerns.        tion of 38,626 boepd, up 6% adjusting for divest-
       ating performance of unconventionals in the   “The Midstream segment reported a strong  ments in Argentina. Production in Colombia of
       Permian (USA); ii) positive results in the Liria  performance this quarter, with total volumes  33,738 boepd, up 6% vs Q4-2021. CPO-5 block
       YW12 and Flamencos exploratory wells; and,  transported through our multipurpose and oil  (GeoPark non-operated, 30% WI) in Colom-
       iii) production recovery in the Castilla field.  pipelines increasing by 3.3% as compared to the  bia is producing over 20,000 bpd gross, a 150%
       Compared to Q4-2021, production decreased  same period last year, leveraged on an increase in  increase over pre-acquisition production (Janu-
       due to maintenance and operational activities,  production as a result of the economic recovery.  ary 2020). Perico block (GeoPark non-operated,
                                                                                50% WI) in Ecuador added new production
                                                                                from two exploration wells.
                                                                                  Generated Record High Revenue, Adjusted
                                                                                EBITDA and Cash Flow from Operations. Rev-
                                                                                enue up 70% to $249.2mn. Adjusted EBITDA up
                                                                                84% to $122.6mn (including $30.5mn of realised
                                                                                cash hedge losses). Cash flow from operations up
                                                                                147% to $89.7mn. Free cash flow of $50.3mn1.
                                                                                Net profit of $31.0mn. Improved Capital and
                                                                                Cost Efficiencies. Capital expenditures of
                                                                                $39.4mn. Adjusted EBITDA to capital expendi-
                                                                                tures ratio of 3.1x (3.9x excluding realised cash
                                                                                hedge losses). G&G and G&A costs reduced by
                                                                                12% to $12.7mn (26% lower vs Q1-2020).
                                                                                  Reduced Debt and Strengthened the Balance
                                                                                Sheet. Cash in hand of $114.1mn ($100.6mn in
                                                                                December 2021). Net leverage of 1.5x (1.9x in
                                                                                December 2021). Repurchased $32.9mn of the
                                                                                2024 Notes2, reducing gross debt and provid-
                                                                                ing financial cost savings. Sent notice to bond-
                                                                                holders to redeem $45mn principal of the 2024
                                                                                Notes, to be completed in May 2022, with more
                                                                                deleveraging expected in H2-2022.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2022
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