Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         But Commonwealth appears to be betting that  the future in an effort to avoid running into sim-
                         the combination of flexible options, reduced  ilar situations further down the line.
                         risk and low costs will help to attract customers.  “We are seeing rising interest among buy-
                           “Clearly flexibility in contract terms is a  ers in securing long-term supply,” Feer said. “I
                         significant benefit of this tender structure,”  think the winter price spike has shown buyers
                         Jason Feer, the head of business intelligence at  that relying too heavily on spot supply can be
                         LNG advisory firm Poten & Partners, which is  risky. The assumption that buyers can always
                         managing the tender process, told NewsBase.  get a spot cargo has been tested this winter and
                         “Many sellers are trying to find ways to offer  several buyers have been unable to get cargoes
                         more flexible terms. However, Commonwealth  when and where they needed them,” he added.
                         has an advantage because its costs are lower  “At the same time, the US surge is running its
                         than many other US projects and that enables  course and we don’t expect to see much more
                         it to offer liquefaction fees that are lower than  supply coming online for a couple of years. Buy-
                         many other projects,” he said. “Tenders have  ers understand that and we believe that many
                         been used in many other segments of the LNG  are beginning to engage more actively with  I think the winter
                         business, including short-term supply, import  suppliers.”
                         terminal capacity and pipelines, among others.   Commonwealth and other would-be LNG   price spike has
                         We believe this is a mutually beneficial model  developers on the Gulf Coast are now hoping   shown buyers
                         because it is faster in terms of project develop-  to take advantage of these shifting dynamics as
                         ment and offers more certainty to buyers and  a new race to reach FID picks up. Indeed, some   that relying too
                         seller.”                             are currently targeting 2021 for taking FIDs on
                                                              their terminals, but Commonwealth is aiming  heavily on spot
                         Demand spike                         for the first quarter of 2022. If this deadline is
                         Commonwealth’s tender comes as spot LNG  met, its first cargo is anticipated in the second   supply can be
                         demand and prices in Northeast Asia have  quarter of 2025. Commonwealth said it would   risky.
                         soared to record highs at the start of this year.  be  implementing  a  predominantly  modu-
                         This has been attributed to a combination of  lar approach, with major components being   Jason Feer
                         factors, including colder-than-expected winter  fabricated offsite. The company expects this   Head of Business
                         weather, supply outages in other parts of the  approach to help speed up the construction pro-  Intelligence
                         world and shipping delays, among others.  cess, as well as enabling the project to offer what   Poten & Partners
                           Spot prices for cargoes to be delivered in  Commonwealth describes as “one of the most
                         March are already down on those set to be deliv-  competitive LNG sales prices from the United
                         ered in February on expectations of warmer  States”.
                         weather and some of the other issues being   And if construction falls behind schedule,
                         resolved. However, it appears that the spike is  Gunvor’s ability to offer LNG prior to start-up
                         causing some buyers to plan more carefully for  could prove useful.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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