Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 16

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       NextDecade deal

       for Irish LNG supply

       falls through

        US-IRELAND       PROSPECTS  for Irish LNG imports have
                         dimmed further after a preliminary deal with
                         US exporter NextDecade on plans for a floating
                         storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in Cork
                         expired at the end of last year.
                           NextDecade agreed a memorandum of
                         understanding (MoU) with the Cork port
                         authorities in 2017 on establishing an inlet for
                         LNG supplies in Ireland, whose own gas supply
                         is dwindling, leaving it more reliant on imports
                         from the UK. But doubts about the project have
                         been growing for years, amid Irish authorities’
                         mounting aversion to fossil fuels.
                           “Due to the increased uncertainty in Ireland’s
                         evolving policies regarding the importation of
                         LNG, NextDecade has elected to suspend devel-
                         opment activities,” the US exporter said in an
                         email statement last week.           contributing to greater emissions because of the
                                                              longer distance that gas supplies must travel to
                         Ireland takes aim at gas             reach consumers.
                         The 4bn cubic metre per year Cork terminal is   NextDecade was due to supply gas to Cork
                         the second planned LNG import project in Ire-  from its planned 27mn tonne per year (tpy) Rio
                         land to be axed. The country’s coalition govern-  Grande LNG complex in Texas. But the company
                         ment, established last summer and consisting of  insists that the setback at Cork will not affect its
                         12 Green Party members, later withdrew the 5  ability to take a final investment decision (FID)
                         bcm per year Shannon LNG import facility from  on developing the first two of Rio Grande’s five
                         a shortlist of projects eligible for EU grants. The  trains. The company says it is still on track to take
                         fate of that project also looks sealed, after the  this step this year.
                         High Court in Ireland in November ruled to   Like many LNG exporters, NextDecade is
                         annul all its development consents.  having to navigate increasing environmental
                           The UK’s Predator Oil & Gas is also advanc-  concerns among customers. France’s Engie
          Like many      ing an FSRU project in Ireland but has insisted  pulled out of talks in November to buy LNG
                         it will not take shale gas supply because of the  from Rio Grande after environmentalists put
        LNG exporters,   latter’s environmental impact.       pressure on the French government. According
                           In addition to blocking LNG imports, the  to reports, the government’s main concern was
         NextDecade      Irish government has also taken aim at domestic  the life cycle of the methane content of gas pro-

           is having     gas supply. It vowed in July last year to stop issu-  duced in West Texas and New Mexico.
                                                                NextDecade was also hoping to deliver gas to
                         ing any new licences for gas exploration and pro-
          to navigate    duction. That followed the former government’s  the Shannon LNG terminal.
                                                                The US exporter has responded to the chang-
                         2019 ban on issuing new oil licences.
          increasing       Ireland covers over half of its gas needs with  ing considerations of its would-be buyers by
        environmental    supply from the Corrib gas field and several  announcing plans in October last year to make
                         smaller deposits. But these fields have been  Rio Grande operate with net-zero emissions.
       concerns among    producing for decades and are now mature. As  Reductions will mainly be achieved using car-
                         a result, Ireland has been getting an increasing  bon, capture and storage (CCS) technology, it
          customers.     share of its gas from the UK. Decommission-  said.
                                                                “We are targeting carbon neutrality at Rio
                         ing began in November last year at the Kinsale
                         fields, once the bedrock of Ireland’s domestic gas  Grande LNG with the use of carbon capture
                         supply.                              and storage,” NextDecade said in its state-
                           The Irish oil and gas industry has criticised  ment. “And we believe that, in partnership
                         the current policy direction, warning it will leave  with certain US producers who supply gas to
                         the country more dependent on energy imports.  Rio Grande LNG, we will be able to supply our
                         Not only will this increase costs and pose a  customers LNG with some of the lowest green-
                         risk to energy security, but Ireland will also be  house gas [GHG] intensity.”™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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