Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       market access and price transparency for   (2) Mr. Leon’s functional responsibilities   the objectives of the Paris Agreement; our
       their physical barrels of crude oil,” said AJ   will include finance and planning, reserves,   belief in the necessity to implement carbon
       “Jim” Teague, co-chief executive officer of   business development, investor relations   pricing; our confidence in the key role that
       Enterprise’s general partner. “This project   and supply chain; (3) Mr. Preston will have   natural gas plays in the energy transition;
       will leverage the strengths of two major   responsibility for legal, IT, human resources   our support for policies and initiatives that
       midstream infrastructure systems, featuring   and government and external affairs; (4) Mr.   promote the development of renewable
       five pipelines serving the Permian Basin   Kerns will have responsibility for all aspects   energy; and our support for the development
       capable of delivering 2 million barrels per day   of operations and development; and (5) Mr.   of CO2 capture and storage.
       of crude oil into the Houston market (with the   Contreras will lead the marketing function.   These items are detailed in the Getting to
       potential for third-party pipelines to double   These organisational changes, when fully   Net Zero report issued in September 2020.
       the capacity of Permian Basin crude oil into   implemented, are expected to reduce the   Following the 2019 and 2020 reviews,
       the market), a robust Gulf Coast storage   company’s run rate costs by approximately   API’s positions were assessed as “partially
       position, redundant connectivity to every   $8mn per year (representing a 22% reduction   aligned” with those of the group. Certain
       refinery in the Houston area, and access to the   in senior leadership team costs) and result in   divergences, which have been discussed
       largest network of crude oil export terminals   one-time charges of approximately $5mn.  within the association, remain today:
       located along the Houston Ship Channel.”  Mr. McFarland said: “This streamlined   regarding the role of natural gas, API
       MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS AND     leadership team is the first step in better   maintains its support for the rollback of US
       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS, January   positioning the company to focus on   regulation on methane emissions, which the
       21, 2021                            implementing additional cost reductions,   group opposed in November 2019; regarding
                                           maintaining our capital discipline and asset   transport decarbonisation, API is part of the
       California Resources                rationalisation through our full-scale business   Transportation Fairness Alliance, which is
                                           review. We will continue to maintain our
                                                                                opposed to subsidies for electric vehicles;
       announces functional                focus on safe and environmentally responsible   regarding the carbon pricing principle, API
                                                                                expresses differing positions to those of Total.
                                           operations as we implement changes to
       realignment and                     the company’s organisation and strategic   Moreover, API gave its support during the
                                                                                recent elections to candidates who argued
       streamlining of leadership          CALIFORNIA RESOURCES, January 21, 2021  against the United States’ participation in the
                                                                                Paris Agreement.
       team                                Total withdraws from                 considerable contribution, for over a
                                                                                  “The Group acknowledges the API’s
       California Resources announced today   the American Petroleum            century, to the development of our industry.
       that it is reducing the size of its leadership                           Nevertheless, as part of our Climate Ambition
       team and realigning several functions as it   Institute                  made public in May 2020, we are committed
       focuses on efficiency and cost reductions. The                           to ensuring, in a transparent manner, that
       company is eliminating leadership positions   Following a detailed analysis of the climate   the industry associations of which we are a
       in the areas of public affairs, exploration and   positions of the American Petroleum Institute   member adopt positions and messages that
       development, investor relations and finance,   (API), Total announces its decision not to   are aligned with those of the group in the
       and implementing the following functional   renew its membership for 2021.  fight against climate change”, said Patrick
       realignment: (1) reporting to Mac McFarland   Each year, Total assesses the main industry   Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of Total. “This
       (interim CEO) will be Francisco Leon   associations of which it is a member to ensure   transparency responds to our stakeholders’
       (chief financial officer), Mike Preston (chief   they are aligned with the group’s climate   expectations, as well as being an essential
       administrative officer and general counsel),   positions. This alignment review is based on   guarantee of the credibility of our strategy.”
       Shawn Kerns (executive vice president,   six key points: our science-based position that   TOTAL, January 15, 2021
       operations and engineering), and Carlos   the link between human activity and climate
       Contreras (senior vice president, commercial);  change is an established fact; our support for

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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