Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US rejoins global Paris Accord

       in bid to tackle climate crisis

        GLOBAL           NEW US President Joe Biden, sworn into office  made these critical issues some of his top prior-
                         on 20 January, has signed an order the same  ities upon taking office,” said Heather Zichal,
                         day to require that the US rejoin the all-impor-  CEO of the American Clean Power Association.
                         tant global Paris climate pact. Fighting climate  “America’s clean energy industries stand ready to
                         change is one of the new president’s a major pol-  invest in US communities and the US workforce
                         icy planks.                          as we work together to achieve a more prosper-
                           Biden’s plans to combat climate change  ous and lower-carbon future.”
                         already stand in sharp contrast to those of his   Biden’s aggressive climate plans are important
                         predecessor, Donald Trump, who once described  for renewable energy. Under the Paris Accord,   Biden, a
                         climate change as a Chinese hoax. In 2012,  signatories agree to keep global temperature
                         Trump tweeted: “The concept of global warm-  rise under 2 degrees Celsius – and ideally, under   Democrat, has
                         ing was created by and for the Chinese in order  1.5 Celsius – by reducing GHG emissions.
                         to make US manufacturing non-competitive.”  Members, including major emitters such as the   promised a $2
                           Under Trump, the US’ exit from the Paris  European Union, Japan and South Korea, have
                         Agreement was finalised in November 2020. The  pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2050.   trillion climate
                         US is the only country to have left the 2016 pact.  Indeed, a target of net zero emissions by 2050   and energy plan
                           In another signal of a shift away from fos-  was also one of Biden’s election pledges.
                         sil fuels, on January 20 Biden also revoked a   Renewable energy is key to reducing a tem-  over the next four
                         key permit for the $8bn Keystone XL pipeline,  perature rise. Electricity production contributed
                         designed to ship oil sands crude from Canada to  26.9% of 2018 global GHG emissions, according   years.
                         US Gulf Coast refineries. (See: Keystone XL’s fate  to the US Environmental Protection Agency
                         sealed as Biden takes office, page 9) The oil sands  (EPA).
                         are known for higher greenhouse gas (GHG)   Biden, a Democrat, has promised a $2 trillion
                         emissions intensity than conventional oil. For-  climate and energy plan over the next four years,
                         mer US President Barack Obama had also  although he will face some resistance in the US
                         denied the same permit for the pipeline, on the  Congress, despite both houses of the legislative
                         basis that the pipeline would lead to increased  body now being controlled by the Democrats.
                         emissions by allowing oil sands producers to  Support for renewable energy is a bipartisan
                         ramp up output, but Trump reinstated it.  issue, but broad climate and green energy leg-
                           “Economic recovery and combating climate  islation has more support from Democrats than
                         change go hand in hand, and President Biden has  from Republicans.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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