Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Rising Phoenix Royalties             investment portfolios, and liquidating estates.
       UPSTREAM                                                                 tax benefits, funding retirement, diversifying
       ConocoPhillips completes  announces third DJ Basin                       RPR provides an in-depth analysis of each
                                                                                divestiture to help owners in achieving their
       acquisition of Concho               oil and natural gas royalty          life and financial goals.
                                                                                RISING PHOENIX ROYALTIES, January 19, 2021
       Resources                           acquisition

       ConocoPhillips today announced that it   Rising Phoenix Royalties (RPR) announces   MIDSTREAM
       has completed its acquisition of Concho   its third DJ Basin oil and natural gas royalty
       Resources following approval by shareholders   acquisition within current mineral fund.   Pembina Pipeline
       of both companies.                  The purchase, from an undisclosed seller,
         “We appreciate the strong support for   encompasses 15 PDP wells with upside   announces binding open
       this transaction from the shareholders of   potential, located in the Niobrara shale, Weld
       both companies, which we view as further   County, Colorado.             season on Cochin pipeline
       affirmation of the significant benefits it will   “This direct from seller acquisition was a
       deliver,” said Ryan Lance, ConocoPhillips   transaction where a son, via power of attorney,  Pembina Pipeline announced today that PKM
       chairman and chief executive officer. “This   coordinated the sale of his mother’s mineral   Cochin ULC and Pembina Cochin LLC have
       acquisition results in the combination of   rights,” shares Janie Widman, Vice President,   launched an open season to obtain binding
       two premier companies that can lead the   Rising Phoenix Royalties. “Depending on an   commitments for the transport of light
       structural change for our vital industry that’s   individual’s or family’s life situation, selling   condensate on the Cochin pipeline.
       critical to investors. We expect the company to  mineral rights can be a financially wise option   The open season begins January 19, 2021
       deliver differential performance on three key   to settle estates, immediately pay off debt, or   at 8:00 a.m. MST and closes on February 18,
       mandates: providing affordable energy to the   fund retirement.”         2021 at 5:00 p.m. MST.
       world, generating superior returns on and of   “In many cases the mineral sale lump   PEMBINA PIPELINE, Jaanuary 19, 2021
       capital and demonstrating ESG leadership.”  sum payment translates to ‘instant financial
         Lance added: “I also welcome Tim Leach   freedom’ that is truly life changing for the
       to ConocoPhillips’ board of directors and   seller,” observes Widman.    MOVES
       executive leadership team. Tim and his   Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Onshore is
       organisation built a best-in-class Permian   the well-site operator and manages 2,300   Magellan and Enterprise to
       company and we both look forward    producing wells in five Colorado counties,
       to creating significant value from this   including Weld County. Data on file shows   develop joint Houston crude
       transaction. Thanks to the considerable   2.2mn barrels of oil and 24,700 cubic feet of
       efforts of our transition teams over these past   gas produced in September 2020.  oil futures contract
       few months, we’re off to a fast start toward   Backed by four generations of oil and
       seamlessly integrating our two companies and   gas industry expertise, RPR assists mineral   Magellan Midstream Partners and Enterprise
       building momentum as a sector leader.”  owners nationwide with solutions in selling   Products Partners today announced that
       CONOCOPHILLIPS, January 15, 2021    their mineral assets. Common reasons why   affiliates of the two companies have entered
                                           RPR clients choose to sell their royalties   into an agreement to jointly develop a
                                           include immediate financial need, maximising   futures contract for the physical delivery of
                                                                                crude oil in the Houston area in response to
                                                                                market interest for a Houston-based index
                                                                                with greater scale, flow assurance and price
                                                                                transparency. The quality specifications will
                                                                                be consistent with a West Texas Intermediate
                                                                                (WTI) crude oil originating from the
                                                                                Permian Basin with delivery capabilities at
                                                                                either Magellan’s East Houston terminal or
                                                                                Enterprise’s ECHO terminal in Houston.
                                                                                  “The industry-recognised quality and
                                                                                consistency of Midland WTI crude oil at
                                                                                Magellan’s East Houston terminal, combined
                                                                                with flexible and reliable market access offered
                                                                                by both Magellan and Enterprise, make this
                                                                                joint effort a logical advancement for crude
                                                                                oil futures to provide added value for our
                                                                                customers, both domestically and globally,”
                                                                                said Michael Mears, Magellan’s chief executive
                                                                                  “We are pleased to join with Magellan on
                                                                                this initiative, which will provide customers
                                                                                with enhanced flexibility, connectivity,

       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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