Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 12
It also reported that prices for 88-octane,
93-octane and 97-octane gasoline had gone up
from PYG6,080 ($0.88), PYG6,810 ($0.98) and
PYG7,820 ($1.13) per litre to PYG6,680 ($0.96),
PYG7,360 ($1.06) and PYG8,420 ($1.21) per
litre respectively. Additionally, it said the cost of
Ecoplex 85-octane gasoline had climbed from
PYG6,595 ($0.95) to PYG7,195 ($1.04) per litre.
Meanwhile, it noted that prices for Porã die-
sel, with a maximum sulphur content of 50 ppm,
would remain at PYG6,350 per litre.
The statement also said that Petropar was
authorising filling stations that were more than
50 km away from its plant in Villa Elisa to charge
higher prices that reflected their freight costs.
It did not specify, however, whether the state-
owned company would impose any specific
limits on those extra charges.
According to MercoPress, Petropar’s pol-
icy shift led some Argentinian fuel retailers to
express concern about the possibility that Para-
guayan consumers might cross the border to fill
their tanks and take advantage of pricing differ-
entials. As a result, local authorities in Posadas,
an Argentinian city near the border with Para- Filling station’s price list, adjusted for distance from Villa Elisa (Image: Petropar)
guay, instructed filling station owners to charge
higher prices and set quotas for foreign buyers. Paraguayans. One filling station owner said in
These new instructions were supposed to take an interview with a local radio station that he
effect on February 11. feared the new measure might lead to supply
Some fuel retailers in Posadas have shortages or hurt the economy by discouraging
expressed concern about the higher prices for tourism in the border region.
Argentinian court orders YPF and partners
to put offshore seismic study plans on hold
AN Argentinian court has blocked the national
oil company (NOC) YPF and its partners Shell
(UK) and Equinor (Norway) from moving
ahead with seismic surveys at offshore blocks
located off the coast of Mar del Plata, located
about 400 km south of the nation’s capital of
Buenos Aires.
The court issued an injunction against the
surveys after Guillermo Montenegro, the mayor
of Mar del Plata, teamed up with several envi-
ronmental organisations to deliver a presenta-
tion criticising the plan to collect seismic data
from the offshore sites. In that presentation, the
mayor and his supporters called attention to
the potential for environmental damage, say-
ing there could be permanent harm if a proper YPF, Equinor and Shell aim to collect data from 3 offshore blocks (Image: Equinor)
assessment was not conducted before the studies
took place. hearing the mayor’s petition. He cited “the pos-
According to court documents, Federal sibility of irreparable damage derived from the
Judge Santiago Martin ordered “the immediate execution of the exploration work” as the reason
suspension of the approval of the project” after for his decision.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 07 17•February•2022