Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       POLICY                                                                   EnerMech in delivering world-class training and
                                                                                certifications as we build a skilled and safe local
       Petrobras comments                                                       workforce for the expanding offshore market.
                                                                                This demonstrates our support and alignment
       on labor lawsuit filed in                                                with the Government’s commitment to training
                                                                                and employment of Guyanese in key positions
       Federal Supreme Court               record, complemented by 3t Energy Group’s   in this sector.”
                                                                                3t EnerMech, February 16 2022
       Petrobras informs that on February 14, 2022,  world-renowned training capability, learning
       a majority of votes favorable to Petrobras was  technology solutions and training management   Solstad wins contract
       formed in the judgment of that discusses the  services, to deliver best-in-class learning experi-
       methodology for calculating the “Remuneração  ences specifically tailored for its clients.  for CSV Normand Valiant
       Mínima Por Nível e Regime” (RMNR) supple-  The 3t EnerMech Guyana Training Centre
       ment at the First Panel of the Federal Supreme  of Excellence is set to become the first regional  Solstad Offshore has announced a contract
       Court. As of this date, three votes have been cast  Engineering Construction Industry Train-  award for the CSV Normand Valiant with Petro-
       in favor of the company, one vote is remaining to  ing Board (ECITB) internationally accredited  bras. The charter is two years firm with possibil-
       conclude the judgment.              training provider in Guyana. It will also deliver  ity of two years extension.
         The prevailing understanding is to recognize  the country’s first OPITO-approved, Basic Off-  Commencement of the contract will take
       the validity of the collective labor agreement  shore Safety Induction and Emergency Training  place in Q2-2022. The contract has a gross value
       freely entered into between Petrobras and the  (BOSIET) certification, as well as providing  of approximately NOK350mn, including addi-
       unions.                             a controlled environment to deliver scenar-  tional services.
         Additional information on this subject is pre-  io-based firefighting emergency response train-  Normand Valiant will provide accommoda-
       sented in the 2020 financial statements, through  ing when relevant accreditations are secured  tion services to support production activities in
       note 20.1 - Provisions for legal proceedings, judi-  early in 2022.      the Brazilian continental shelf.
       cial deposits and contingent liabilities and 20.3   Joseph Lichon, President Americas for Ener-  Solstad, February 14 2022
       - Contingent liabilities.           Mech, said: “It’s our mission to develop local
       Petrobras, February 15 2022         content globally and to help create safer, smarter,   TGS announces access to
                                           more sustainable workforces. Until now, Guyana
                                           nationals working in the oil and gas sector would   approximately 6,500 wells
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                be required to travel to Trinidad and Tobago, the
                                           US or Canada for accredited training, making it   in Brazil’s offshore basins
       3t EnerMech, partners to            very costly and time-consuming. This is com-  TGS, a global provider of energy data and intelli-
                                           pounded by the logistical challenges of the pan-
       launch Guyana’s first oil           demic including travel restrictions, additional  gence, is excited to announce that it can now pro-
                                           requirements, and limited flight availability.”
                                                                                vide access to derivative standardized well data
       and gas training centre             Group, added: “With Orinduik constructing  shore basins. TGS-enhanced data such as stand-
                                             Paul Knowles, VP of Training for 3t Energy  from about 6,500 wells located in Brazil’s off-
       A pioneering venture between 3t EnerMech and  the 3t EnerMech Guyana Training Centre of  ardized digital logs (LAS, LAS+, Mud LAS, Lith
       Orinduik Development Incorporated Training  Excellence, coupled with our expertise, tech-  LAS), validated well headers, quality-controlled
       Centre will deliver Guyana’s first in-country,  nologies and programmes, we are providing a  directional surveys and other available deriva-
       state-of-the-art training facility for the local  full package to help support the country’s per-  tives will be licensed and delivered to customers
       workforce, supporting the development of the  sonnel to excel in the oil and gas sector. We are  through its cloud-based R360 Platform.
       country’s fast-growing offshore oil and gas sec-  very proud to play a critical role Guyana’s future   High-quality well data will further enhance
       tor. This venture will provide an industry-lead-  and enhance its economic prosperity by making  geological understanding of the area and ena-
       ing and internationally accredited facility in  accredited skills and safety training available in  ble E&P companies to maximize the potential
       alignment with building on the recent enacted  country for the first time.”  for deepwater discoveries in one of the world’s
       local content policy.                 Orinduik is also in the process of building  most prolific exploration basins. This data will
         Established to empower and provide Guya-  Guyana’s first commercial heliport as part of a  complement existing TGS 2D and 3D seismic
       nese with key skills and training certifications  wider complex which will incorporate the new  coverage in addition to wide-ranging basin
       that are required to work in the offshore environ-  training centre, an aviation/marine Polytechnic  studies offshore Brazil and support operators in
       ment, the new 3t EnerMech Guyana Training  School as well as a hotel and business centre.  assessing prospectivity in blocks included in the
       Centre of Excellence combines expert instruc-  The 3t EnerMech Guyana Training Centre of  Permanent Offer Round.
       tion in-classroom training facilities, blended  Excellence will be located in Lusignan, in close   Jan Schoolmeesters, Executive Vice President
       learning software and technology, as well as fully  proximity to the East Coast Highway, approxi-  of Digital Energy Solutions at TGS, said: “We are
       immersive simulators for high hazard activity  mately 10 km east of Central Georgetown, and  pleased to offer this comprehensive catalog of
       learning.                           placed strategically for easy access for both local  standardized derivative well data for offshore
         Located in Lusignan, over $20mn has been  and international delegates working in the Off-  wells in Brazil. TGS well data processing will
       invested into the infrastructure by Orinduik,  shore market.             make it easier for customers to use and access
       Windsor and 3t EnerMech. EnerMech, the   Harrychand Tulsi, Chairman of Orinduik,  this data, enhancing their ability to evaluate
       global integrated solutions specialist, is one  said: “Construction of the Training Centre is  opportunities, accelerating the exploration cycle,
       half of the 3t EnerMech strategic alliance which  expected to be completed in June 2022, and  and reducing risk.”
       draws on EnerMech’s experience and track  we are very excited to be partnered with 3t   TGS, February 11 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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