Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Brazil’s Petrobras

       reaches non-binding

       phase for sale of E&P
       assets in Gulf of Mexico

       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       on October 4, 2021, informs the beginning of
       the non-binding phase regarding the sale of the
       entire 20% stake held by its subsidiary Petrobras
       America Inc. (PAI) in the company MP Gulf
       of Mexico (MPGoM), located in Texas, USA,
       which owns offshore fields in the Gulf of Mexico.
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
       receive a process letter containing detailed infor-
       mation about the aforementioned company, in
       addition to instructions on the divestment pro-
       cess, including guidelines for the preparation  natural gas market signed with CADE in July  and Mairarê wells.
       and submission of non-binding proposals.  2019 to promote competition in this sector in   The PSDM data illuminates exciting explo-
         This disclosure complies with Petrobras’  Brazil.                      ration opportunities in the outboard Campos
       internal rules.                        Petrobras is conducting the divestment pro-  Basin with new full integrity PSDM products
         This operation is aligned with the portfolio  cess of its participation in Gaspetro, as commu-  that cover open acreage blocks C-M-350, 417,
       management strategy and the improved alloca-  nicated to the market on February 27, 2020, May  485. This is the only 3D data for open blocks in
       tion of the company’s capital, aiming to maxi-  15, 2020, July 10, 2020, December 30, 2020, and  the upcoming permanent offer rounds.
       mize value and greater return to society.  July 28, 2021, and this operation does not change   Over 10,000 square km of open acreage out-
         About MPGoM: It is a Joint Venture Com-  the conditions agreed between Petrobras and  side the presalt polygon and over 3,000 square
       pany with an 80% stake from Murphy Explo-  Compass Gás e Energia for the sale of Gaspetro  km of acreage inside the polygon will be offered
       ration & Production Co. and 20% from PAI,  shares.                       in the upcoming Permanent Offer rounds.
       created in October 2018, with the contribution   About Gasmar: Gasmar is a mixed-economy   “Attention has definitely returned to Campos,
       of all oil and natural gas assets in production,  company, and the Government of the State of  with encouraging announcements of hydrocar-
       located in the Gulf of Mexico, of both companies.  Maranhão is the other shareholder, with a 25.5%  bon shows in the recent Urissanê and Mairarê
         MPGoM holds participation as operator or  stake in its capital stock. Gasmar holds the con-  wells, the anticipation of the Marolo-1 well to the
       non-operator in 14 offshore fields in the Gulf of  cession, with exclusivity, to provide distribution  south, along with several other permitted wells
       Mexico. Petrobras’ share of the fields’ production  and sales services for piped natural gas in the  in the area. This data indicates further poten-
       in 2021 was 10,400 boepd.           entire territory of the State of Maranhão.  tial in the basin,” says John Cramer, Brazil Area
       Petrobras, February 16 2022            About Termogás: Termogás is a company  Manager at PGS.
                                           responsible for several undertakings in the   These latest 3D full integrity TTI PSDM
       Petrobras and Gaspetro              energy, infrastructure and natural gas sectors.  products cover open blocks in the outer Cam-
                                           One of these ventures is Gasmar, in which  pos Basin, where new gravity and magnetic data
       conclude exit from Gasmar           Termogás, upon completion of this operation,  are also available. The resolution of the gravity/
                                           becomes the owner of 74.5% of its total capital  magnetic response has been optimized using
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  stock.                 the 3D data (covering 16,000 square km) and
       on April 9, 2021, informs that it concluded   Petrobras, February 15 2022  reprocessed publically available 2D data for
       today, together with its subsidiary Petrobras Gás                        the northern Campos Basin area (about 41 000
       (Gaspetro), the transaction to finalize the pend-                        square km).
       ing litigation with Termogás. As a result of this  PERFORMANCE             This integrated set of geophysical products
       transaction, Termogás acquired the shares of                             facilitates the assessment of the petroleum sys-
       Companhia Maranhense de Gás (Gasmar) held   Latest PGS data shows        tem and hydrocarbon potential of this active
       by Gaspetro, which correspond to 23.5% of the                            exploration area, providing reliable seismic
       total capital stock.                potential in Brazil’s                imaging for exploration risk mitigation and
         After compliance with all the precedent con-                           potential drilling hazard assessment.
       ditions, the operation was concluded with the   outboard Campos basin      Final full integrity multi-azimuth GeoS-
       payment of BRL56.9mn to Gaspetro, already                                treamer X products due in August will complete
       with the adjustments foreseen in the contract.  The latest seismic depth data from PGS’ Cam-  the set. Full Integrity TTI PSDM products Blocks
         The transaction is part of Gaspetro’s portfo-  pos Deepwater GeoStreamer X survey permit  C-M-212, 279, 348, 350, 415, 417, 483, 485, 549.
       lio optimization strategy and is aligned with the  a new assessment of the potential of emerging  Integrated 2D/3D Gravity and Magnetic data for
       Term of Cessation Commitment (TCC) for the  plays close to the recent high-impact Urissanê  regional basin analysis.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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