Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 26
P. 19
MOVES and gratitude to both for their valuable service approved the appointment of Ruy Flaks Schnei-
to, and support of, the Company. Coulter has a der for the position of member of the company’s
GeoPark appoints long history with GeoPark as one of its original Board of Directors.
investors in its very early days and has continued
Ruy Schneider’s appointment will be submit-
Sylvia Escovar Gomez as an ally during its successful growth trajectory ted to Petrobras’ 2020 Annual General Meeting,
– including being a member of our Board for called for July 22, 2020, together with the other
to board of directors three years. Pavez has served as a Board Member names nominated by the Controlling Share-
holder for the position of member of Petrobras’
for over 12 years and, in addition to his contribu-
GeoPark, a leading independent Latin American tion to the growth and development of GeoPark, Board of Directors for the 2020-2022 term of
oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator Pavez has also been a major long-term investor office.
with operations and growth platforms in Colom- in the Company. Ruy Schneider is an industrial mechanical
bia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador James F. Park, CEO of GeoPark, said: “The and production engineer graduated from PUC-
announced the appointment of Sylvia Escovar Board of Directors is honored to have Sylvia RIO as well as a Master of Sciences in Engineer-
Gomez as a new independent member of the Escovar join our Company. With her extensive ing Economy from Stanford University. As a
Board of Directors of the Company, effective experience, she will bring immediate value to Navy reserve officer, he attended the Escola
August 1, 2020. our Board and continuous efforts to build a bet- Superior de Guerra. He founded the Industrial
Escovar, one of the most respected and ter company. Her ideals and approach to lead- Engineering Department at PUC-RIO, becom-
admired business leaders in Latin America, ing Terpel are a perfect fit with and will enhance ing its first director and establishing the first
brings with her a valuable mix of government, GeoPark’s culture – and her success with the bot- master’s program in Industrial Engineering in
multilateral organisation, and private enterprise tom line will help drive and improve our overall Brazil.
experience, and a successful track record in each performance. Even more relevant today, during With several published articles, he works as a
area. this time of energy transition and ever-increas- speaker, in Brazil and abroad.
An economist by training, Escovar has pre- ing challenges for our industry, Sylvia Escovar’s He has accumulated vast experience, both
viously worked for the World Bank, the Central participation will provide us the opportunity to as an executive and as a member of the Board
Bank of Colombia and the National Department collaborate with a true and proven change agent. of Directors and Fiscal Council of large compa-
of Planning. She also served as Deputy Secretary “As a close-knit Company, it is always sad to nies, including Xerox do Brasil, Banco Brascan
of Education and Deputy Secretary of Finance say good-bye to individuals who have partici- de Investimento, Banco de Montreal-Montre-
for the Bogota municipal government. pated in, and contributed to, our rich history – alBank, Grupo Multiplan and INB Indústrias
Since 2012, Escovar has been the CEO of and we express our sincere and profound thanks Nucleares do Brasil.
Terpel, a fuel distribution company that oper- to Jamie Coulter and Juan Cristobal Pavez, and Ruy Schneider served as a member of the
ates in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and we wish them well.” Central Bank’s capital market advisory Board,
the Dominican Republic. Under her leadership, GeoPark, June 26 2020 where he participated in advising on the prepa-
Terpel delivered its best financial results in its ration of the bank’s external debt conversion
over 50-year history and became Colombia’s Petrobras reports on programme.
third largest company, with a footprint that cov- He is chairman of the Board of Directors of
ers virtually the entire country. appointment of member the Liga da Reserva Naval do Brasil. He is the
Escovar is an innovator who leads a team creator of the first multi-sponsored pension fund
that converted and improved Terpel’s business of board of directors and introducer of Defined Contribution funds
model, expanding the range and quality of its in Brazil.
services and enhancing its performance in the Petrobras reports that its Board of Directors Petrobras, June 24 2020
long-term. She and her team made Terpel a
true leader in sustainability, with consistently
high rankings in the RobecoSAM Sustainability
Escovar was named the 2014 top busi-
nessperson of the year by Portfolio, Colombia’s
leading financial daily. In 2018 she received the
Colombian National Order of Merit for spear-
heading private sector support for peacebuild-
ing and reconciliation in Colombia. And in
2020, she was the only woman on the Corporate
Reputation Business Monitor’s list of Colom-
bian leaders with the best reputation to rank in
the top 10. Escovar is also highly sought after in
national discussions on policy, trade, diversity
and inclusion. Escovar’s other Board member-
ships include Grupo Bancolombia and Organ-
izacion Corona.
GeoPark also announces additional changes
to its Board of Directors with the resignations of
Jamie Coulter and Juan Cristobal Pavez (both
effective June 10, 2020) and expresses its thanks
Week 25 25•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19