Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 26
P. 15
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
Last year, Shell-Western Supply and Trading, a commence once Shell-Western Supply and
subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, won a contract Trading has fulfilled its current contract by
to export the first three cargoes in an open-mar- exporting a third 1mn barrel cargo. The com-
ket tender. The company has already exported pany is anticipated to reach this milestone later
two of the three cargoes, and Guyana is now in the summer.
seeking an agent to lift another five cargoes of The Liza prospect is located approximately
around 1mn barrels each over a period of 12 193 km offshore Guyana, within the Stabroek
months. It is only accepting bids from compa- block. The consortium that is developing the
nies that have at least five years of experience in block includes ExxonMobil, China National
oil marketing and trading. Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) and the US inde-
The new marketing contract is expected to pendent Hess.
New FPSO will boost output
of Atapu field by 150,000 bpd
BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro- field, which saw output rise to a record high of
bras and a number of international oil com- 640,000 bpd in mid-March. Equity in the block
panies (IOCs) including France’s Total, have is divided between Petrobras (operator, 42.5%),
launch a new floating production, storage and Shell Brasil Petróleo (25%), Total E&P do Brasil
off-loading (FPSO) vessel at the Atapu field. (22.5%) and Petrogal Brasil (10%).
Part of Atapu lies within a licence area in Atapu, for its part, comprises the Oeste de
which Petrobras has a majority stake. The rest Atapu and Atapu fields, as well as a non-con-
of the field lies within Block BM-S-11A, which tracted area owned by the union. Equity in
Petrobras is developing in partnership with this project is split between Brazil’s national oil
subsidiaries of Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Nether- company (NOC) Petrobras, the operator, with
lands), Total (France) and Petrogal (Portugal). 89%; Shell Brasil Petróleo, with 4%; Total E&P
This group began using another FPSO, the P-68 do Brasil, with 4%, Petrogal Brasil, with 2%, and
vessel, to develop the Berbigão section of the Pre-Sal Petróleo, which represents the federal
block in December 2019. union, with 1%.
In a statement dated June 26, Total said that
the P-70 FPSO had begun operating at the Atapu
section of BM-S-11A, which is also known as
the Iara cluster. The new vessel has a production
capacity of 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) and
can treat up to 6mn cubic metres per day of gas,
like the P-68. It will drill up to eight production
wells and eight gas re-injection wells.
The French company did not say when the
P-70 would reach its full production capacity or
begin drilling. It did note, though, that the pro-
ject was in line with its business strategy.
“The ramp-up of Iara’s production reflects
Total’s growth strategy in the Brazilian deep off-
shore, where the Group focuses on giant projects
that produce barrels of oil at competitive cost,
resilient in the face of oil price volatility,” said
Arnaud Breuillac, Total’s president for explora-
tion and production. “The [company’s] produc-
tion in the country should reach 150,000 barrels
of oil per day by 2025, thanks to ongoing devel-
opments on the Iara, Mero and Lapa projects.”
Block BM-S-11A is located about 200 km
off the coast of Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro State in
2,300-metre-deep water. It lies within the east-
ern part of the Santos Basin, in the promising
pre-salt zone. It includes sections of the Sururu,
Berbigão and Atapu fields and is near the Búzios Atapu lies partly within the Iara cluster of fields (Image: Total)
Week 25 25•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P15