Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 26
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Suriname: Maersk

       Drilling wins one-well
       exploration contract

       from Petronas

       Maersk Drilling has secured a contract for the
       semi-submersible rig Maersk Developer, which
       will be employed by Petronas Suriname Explo-
       ration & Production for a one-well exploration
       campaign in Block 52 offshore Suriname. The
       contract is expected to commence in Q3-2020 or
       Q4-2020, with an estimated duration of 75 days.  feet per day.           Trading Policy that is consistent with the princi-
       The value of the firm contract is approximately   The successful contract extensions pricing  ples in Section 9 of National Policy 11-207 – Fail-
       $20.4mn, including integrated drilling services,  represents a significant premium to the cur-  ure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations
       mobilisation and demobilisation fees. The con-  rent spot market of approximately $1.95 per  in Multiple Jurisdictions. Until the Company has
       tract includes an additional one-well option.  mmBTU, which has increased by 45% since May  filed the required Documents, members of the
         “It is great to work for Petronas again with a  20, 2020.              Company’s management and other insiders will
       quick reactivation of Maersk Developer for this   Echo Energy, June 29 2020  observe a trading blackout consistent with the
       campaign in the exciting Suriname-Guyana                                 principles in Section 9 of National Policy 11-207
       basin. This will showcase our ability to smoothly   Arrow Exploration    – Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revo-
       and efficiently establish operations in new juris-                       cations in Multiple Jurisdictions.
       dictions, as Maersk Developer will become the   provides update on         The Company is also providing the follow-
       first of our rigs to operate offshore Suriname,”                         ing update on material business developments
       says COO Morten Kelstrup of Maersk Drilling.  timing of Q1-2020          since the date of the Company’s last press release
         The Maersk Developer is a DSS-21 col-                                  of May 31, 2020, which disclosed that the Com-
       umn-stabilised dynamically positioned   quarterly filings                pany would be relying on the Alberta Order: On
       semi-submersible rig, able to operate in water                           June 2, 2020, the Company announced the filing
       depths up to 10,000 feet (3,048 metres). It is  Arrow Exploration provides the following cor-  of its 2019 year-end audited financial statements
       currently warm-stacked in Aruba after ending  porate update.             and MD&A, and the filing of its 2019 year-end
       its latest contract offshore Trinidad and Tobago.  Due to logistics and delays caused by the  reserve report; on June 9, 2020, the Company
       Maersk Drilling, June 30 2020       COVID-19 virus, Arrow is relying on the exemp-  announced that it was unaware of any material
                                           tion provided in Alberta Blanket Order 51-517  change in the Company’s operations that would
                                           Temporary Exemption from Certain Corporate  account for the increase in market activity
       COMPANIES                           Finance Requirements of the Alberta Securities  preceding the announcement; and on June 12,
                                           Commission and similar exemptions provided  2020, the Company announced an update on a
       Echo Energy announces               by the other securities commissions to postpone  proposed private placement, option grant and its
                                           the filing of the following continuous disclosure  strategic review.
       Argentina commercial                documents: the Company’s Unaudited Finan-  About Arrow Exploration: Arrow Explora-
                                           cial Statements for the quarter ended March  tion (operating in Colombia via a branch of its
       update on gas sales                 31, 2020, as required by section 4.2 of National  100% owned subsidiary Carrao Energy) is a pub-
                                           Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure  licly-traded company with a portfolio of premier
       from Santa Cruz Sur                 Obligations;and the Company’s Management  Colombian oil assets that are under-exploited,
                                           Discussion & Analysis for the quarter ended  under-explored and offer high potential growth.
       Echo Energy, the Latin American-focused  March 31, 2020, as required by section 5.1(2) of  The Company’s business plan is to expand oil
       upstream oil and gas company, has provided a  NI 51-102.                 production from some of Colombia’s most active
       commercial update regarding the Company’s gas   According to the Alberta Order during the  basins, including the Llanos, Middle Magdalena
       sales from the producing assets at SantaCruz Sur.  period from March 23, 2020, to June 1, 2020, a  Valley (MMV) and Putumayo Basin.
         Further to the announcement made on  person or company required to make certain   The asset base is predominantly operated
       May 20, 2020, the Company confirms that it  filings as described in the Alberta Order has an  with high working interests, and the Brent-
       has secured further extensions to existing con-  additional 45 days from the deadline otherwise  linked light oil pricing exposure combines with
       tracts with two key gas customers for a further  applicable under Alberta securities laws to make  low royalties to yield attractive potential oper-
       six months until December 17, 2020. These two  the filing. Arrow expects to file the Documents  ating margins. Arrow’s seasoned team is led by
       extensions provide a weighted average con-  by no later than July 14, 2020.  a hands-on and in-country executive team sup-
       tracted gas sales price of $4.37 per mmBTU   Until the Company has filed the Documents,  ported by an experienced board. Arrow is listed
       (where applicable, converted using the official  members of the Company’s management and  on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol
       exchange rate of the Government of Argentina)  other insiders are subject to an insider trad-  AXL.
       for combined net sales volume of 5.6mn cubic  ing black-out period as per its internal Insider   Arrow Exploration, June 29 2020

       Week 25   25•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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