Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 26
P. 16

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Essar submits offer for RLAM oil refinery

                         INDIA’S Essar Group has reportedly submitted   north-eastern Bahia State and has a throughput
                         an offer for Brazil’s second-largest oil-processing   capacity of 333,000 barrels per day (bpd). It has
                         plant, bringing the number of companies par-  a value of around $2.5bn, according to the São
                         ticipating in this stage of the bidding contest up   Paulo-based investment firm Bradesco BBI.
                         to two.                                The plant was originally built in 1950 but has
                           Two sources with knowledge of the matter   been modernised. It is now one of the most effi-
                         told Reuters on June 30 that the Indian con-  cient refineries in the country, having a Nelson
                         glomerate had made a binding offer for the Ran-  Complexity Index (NCI) of 7.0. Diesel accounts
                         dulpho Alves refinery, also known as RLAM.   for some 37% of its total output.
                         They did not say how much Essar had offered   RLAM is one of eight refineries with a com-
                         to pay Petrobras, Brazil’s national oil company   bined throughput capacity of 1.1mn bpd that
                         (NOC), for the refinery and associated assets,   Petrobras intends to sell in an asset divestment
                         including 670 km of pipelines and storage facili-  campaign worth more than $10bn. The NOC
                         ties capable of holding 4.7mn barrels of crude oil   has said it wants to sell off $20-30bn worth of
                         and refined fuels.                   assets and will have difficulty meeting this target
                           Essar is one of three entities pre-quali-  if it does not sell the oil-processing plants.
                         fied by Petrobras to bid for RLAM. Petrobras   Nevertheless, it did suspend its privatisation
                         has received a binding offer from one other   campaign in March. According to Reuters it did
                         pre-qualified firm, Mubadala Investment Co.   so because potential buyers said they needed
                         (UAE). As of press time, it was not known   more time to meet due diligence requirements
                         whether Sinopec (China), the third pre-quali-  because of the travel restrictions and constraints
                         fied company, had submitted its own bid.  stemming from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                           The RLAM refinery is located in Brazil’s   pandemic. ™

       YPF sends force majeure notice

       to Belgium’s Exmar for Tango LNG

                         THE Belgian marine operator Exmar said it had   company’s liquidity position will not be at risk
                         received written notification of force majeure   until the end of 2020, it added.
                         from Argentina’s state-run oil major YPF on   The Tango FLNG facility, previously known
                         their shared Tango floating LNG (FLNG)   as Caribbean FLNG, was built in 2017. YPF then
                         project.                             signed a 10-year contract for it with Exmar in
                           In a statement, Exmar said that YPF has   November 2018. That contract provided for the
                         “[claimed] that effects of the coronavirus   vessel to liquefy and export natural gas from
                         [COVID-19] pandemic, both worldwide and in   YPF’s fields in Vaca Muerta, a shale formation
                         Argentina, have hindered [its] ability to perform   in the Neuquén Basin. It also stated that Tango
                         its obligations” under the charter and services   FLNG would turn out up to eight LNG cargoes
                         agreements signed between the two compa-  per year over the 10-year term of the deal.
                         nies. YPF has also said that its ability to pay   The floating liquefaction plant, which is
                         the invoices due for services performed for the   capable of turning out 500,000 tonnes per year
                         period starting in the second half of March had   (tpy) of LNG, has loaded four commercial
                         been affected, Exmar added.          cargoes since last November. Operations have
                           The Antwerp-based firm questioned the   slowed down since March, when YPF said it
                         legality of this move. “Exmar considers the   was taking emergency measures, including the
                         notice to be unlawful, has reserved its rights and   gradual suspension of non-critical activities, in
                         is considering its best option to defend its inter-  response to the global coronavirus pandemic.
                         ests,” it said.                        YPF is the main producer of gas in the Vaca
                           Regardless of the outcome of the dispute with   Muerta formation, one of the largest shale plays
                         YPF, Exmar is contemplating several measures   in the world. It is now facing challenges in its
                         to safeguard its liquidity position, the statement   effort to develop the formation, as the lockdown
                         noted. On the basis of current forecasts, the   has slashed global fuel demand. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2020
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