Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  Arctic LNG-2 project is still on track to start up
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  in December next year, while the second and
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  third trains should come online in 2024 and
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  2026 as initially planned, a project director told
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  reporters on December 12. There have been
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  heightened concerns about whether the time-
                         for each section the full text will be available as  frame for Arctic LNG-2’s development will be
                         before.                              revised in light of Western sanctions and other
                                                              fallout from Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine,
                         AfrOil: BW Energy preparing for 3D study  although Novatek and Russian authorities have
                         of Kudu field                        insisted that there are no changes to the existing
                         BW Energy (Norway) says it will conduct a 3D  plan.
                         seismic survey of the Kudu natural gas field off-
                         shore Namibia in order to identify additional  GLNG:  Sempra  signs  offtake  agreement
                         exploration targets and attract a new investment  with Port Arthur LNG
                         partner. The Oslo-listed firm revealed in a state-  Sempra has announced an offtake agreement
                         ment on December 2 that it had signed a con-  with Engie for liquefied natural gas from Sem-
                         tract on the collection of 4,600 square km of 3D  pra’s proposed Port Arthur LNG facility. For 15
                         seismic data from Production Licence 3, an off-  years, Engie will receive some 0.875mn tonnes
                         shore block that includes the Greater Kudu area.  per year of LNG from the Port Arthur LNG
                                                              Phase I project, on the Gulf of Mexico.
                         AsianOil: Petronas makes “significant” oil
                         find off Malaysia                    LatAmOil: Stabroek partner to buy $750mn
                         Malaysia’s Petronas has reported what it  in carbon credits from Guyana
                         describes as a “significant” oil discovery at  US-based Hess, a minority shareholder in the
                         a well off the coast of Sarawak. The find was  offshore Stabroek block, has signed an agree-
                         made at the Nahara-1 well at Block SK306,  ment with the government of Guyana on the
                         some 150 km from Bintulu, where Malaysia’s  purchase of 37.5mn carbon credits between
                         main LNG export is located.          2022 and 2032. The document, which was final-
                                                              ised at a ceremony witnessed by the company’s
                         DMEA: TNP, Forcados restarts bring Nigeri-  CEO John Hess and Guyanese President Irfaan
                         an oil output up to 1.6mn bpd        Ali, provides for Hess to acquire 2.5mn carbon
                         Nigeria has pushed crude oil production up to  credits per year for the period between 2016 and
                         1.6mn barrels per day thanks to the re-opening  2030.
                         of the Forcados terminal and the partial resump-
                         tion of shipments through the Trans-Niger Pipe-  MEOG: ADNOC and Petronas sign uncon-
                         line (TNP), according to a subsidiary of Nigerian  ventional deal
                         National Petroleum Co. Ltd (NNPCL). Bala  Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) this
                         Wunti, the head of National Upstream Investment  week signed a deal with Petronas that awards
                         Management Services (NUIMS), told Arise TV in  the Malaysian firm the first concession for
                         an interview on December 7 that output levels had  unconventional oil development in the Mid-
                         risen by 350,000 bpd due to these developments.  dle East. Under the terms of the agreement,
                                                              Petronas was granted 100% operatorship of
                         EurOil: Neptune has made third oil, gas  the six-year exploration phase of the Uncon-
                         find in six months                   ventional Onshore Block 1 asset which covers
                         Neptune Energy has made its third oil and gas  more than 2,000 square km in the western Al
                         discovery in the last six months, in the Norwe-  Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi.
                         gian Sea, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
                         (NPD) reported on December 9, estimating  NorthAmOil: Los Angeles bans new oil
                         the size of the find at 6.3mn-22mn barrels of oil  wells, to close existing wells
                         equivalent. The Calypso discovery well, 14 km  Los Angeles city councillors have voted
                         north-west of the Neptune-operated Draugen  unanimously to ban existing oil wells within
                         field, encountered an 8-metre gas column and  city boundaries immediately, and to phase
                         a 30-metre oil column in the Garm formation,  out existing ones within 20 years. There
                         with reservoir quality of “good to very good,” the  are 26 oil and gas fields – and some 5,000
                         NPD said.                            wells – within the metropolis, the country’s
                         FSUOGM: Novatek says Arctic LNG-2 re-
                         mains on track for 2023 launch       See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         The first train at Novatek’s 20mn tonne per year  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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