Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
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NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Pembina, KKR to sell NGL pipeline stake

        WESTERN          CALGARY-BASED pipeline operator Pembina  system. The sale is expected to close in the first
        CANADA           Pipeline’s joint venture with KKR & Co. has  quarter of next year.
                         agreed to sell its 50% share in the Key Access   Pembina also announced earnings guidance
                         Pipeline System (KAPS) to private equity  of CAD3.5-3.8bn ($2.6-2.9bn) for 2023 and a
                         firm Stonepeak Partners for CAD662.5mn  capital expenditure programme of CAD730mn
                         ($484.8mn). The balance of the project will con-  ($535mn) for the year. The company’s adjusted
                         tinue to be owned by Keyera.         earnings in 2023 are expected to be influenced
                           The Pembina-KKR joint venture – Pem-  by higher volumes and inflation-adjusted tolls
                         bina Gas Infrastructure (PGI) – was formed  on its conventional pipelines and fractionation
                         in March when the two companies agreed to  facilities. A full-year contribution from PGI as
                         merge their assets for Western Canadian gas  well as higher volumes from PGI’s gas process-
                         processing. They also bought Energy Trans-  ing assets are also expected to have an impact,
                         fer assets in Western Canada earlier this  as are lower contributions from the Alliance and
                         year. Together, the deals were worth around  Ruby Pipelines. This would be partially offset by
                         CAD11.4bn ($8.3bn).                  a higher contribution from the Cochin pipeline
                           Pembina owns 60% of the joint venture.  owing to higher inflation-adjusted tolls, as well as
                           KAPS is a 348-mile (560-km) system of  higher contributions from smaller assets.
                         pipelines that carries natural gas liquids (NGLs)   A lower contribution from Pembina’s mar-
                         between Western Canada’s Montney and Duver-  keting business, including a lower contribution
                         nay plays to Keyera’s facilities in Fort Saskatch-  from crude marketing given the outlook for
                         ewan for processing. From there, the NGLs are  lower prices and narrower price differentials,
                         sent to be exported to Asia. North American  is also expected. Additionally, the company
                         NGLs are finding more of a market in Asia, as  anticipates a lower contribution from NGL
                         demand grows with the energy transition and  marketing owing to narrower margins because
                         with reduced imports from Russia.    of lower NGL prices and a higher average cost
                           Keyera will continue to operate the pipeline  of inventory.™


       Crescent Point to buy Kaybob Duvernay assets

        ALBERTA          CRESCENT  Point  Energy  has  agreed  to  CAD200mn [$146mn] at current strip com-
                         buy  Kaybob  Duvernay  assets  in  Canada  modity prices.”
                         from Paramount Resources for CAD375mn   Crescent Point intends to grow production in
                         ($277mn).                            its Kaybob Duvernay assets from around 35,000
                           The Kaybob Duvernay acquisition in Alberta  boepd in 2022 to more than 55,000 boepd within
                         will add 130 net locations and increase drilling  its five-year plan. The company’s development
                         inventory in the play to more than 20 years,  programme includes adding a second rig in the
                         Crescent Point said. The assets being purchased  Kaybob Duvernay in 2024. Crescent Point is
                         are next to Crescent Point’s existing acreage.  currently drilling its seventh pad in the play and
                           The new locations span nearly 65,000 net  expects to bring its sixth fully operated pad on
                         acres (263 square km) of Crown land – with a  stream in early 2023.
                         90% average working interest – with no expiries.   Crescent Point’s fourth and fifth fully oper-
                         The assets currently produce more than 4,000  ated multi-well pads were recently brought
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), of  on-stream and are generating strong initial pro-
                         which 50% is comprised of liquids. They include  duction (IP) results that are in line with, or ahead
                         a gas plant, associated pipelines, water infra-  of, its internal-type wells.
                         structure and seismic data.            The company has also successfully reduced
                           “We continue to generate strong full cycle  drilling days to 11-13 days per well on its recent
                         returns from our Kaybob Duvernay assets,  pads, an improvement of more than 40% since
                         which are top quartile within our overall port-  entering the play.
                         folio,” said Crescent Point’s president and CEO,   Crescent Point is increasing its first-quar-
                         Craig Bryksa. “Through this acquisition, we are  ter 2023 base dividend by 25% to CAD0.10
                         increasing our drilling inventory in the play to  ($0.07) per share, or CAD0.40 ($0.29) per share
                         over 20 years, based on current production.  annually.
                         In addition, our land position will increase to   Excess cash flow of CAD1.25bn ($915mn) is
                         approximately 400,000 net acres [1,619 square  anticipated in 2023, at West Texas Intermediate
                         km]. We are also adding base production with  (WTI) prices of $80 per barrel, based on annual
                         an estimated net present value of approximately  production of 138,000-142,000 boepd.™

       Week 50   15•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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