Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       company will remain focused on optimising   estimates that the acquired assets will produce   and verified as less methane-intensive using
       Greenfire’s existing production and facilities,   approximately 2,522 boepd (1,439 bpd of oil,   MiQ’s certification standard. This standard
       with the objective of further enhancing its   461 bpd of NGLs, and 3,730 mcf per day of   provides producers, such as Chesapeake
       cash operating netbacks and free cash flow per   natural gas). The acquired assets are located   Energy and Ascent Resources, with a
       barrel, with the intention to return capital to   in the Permian Basin, with high interest   transparent A-F grading scale using third-
       its stakeholders over time.         locations concentrated in the Texas Delaware   party auditors and advanced technology
       GREENFIRE RESOURCES, December 15, 2022  Basin (82%), New Mexico Delaware Basin   providers. Both Chesapeake and Ascent’s
                                           (8%) and Midland Basin (10%).        production facilities were awarded the top ‘A’
       Kimbell Royalty Partners            KIMBELL ROYALTY PARTNERS, December 15,   grades for minimising methane emissions,
                                                                                reducing them to an intensity less than 0.05%
       closes $271mn acquisition                                                – and below the production sector average.
                                                                                  Washington Gas’ industry-leading
       of Permian Basin mineral            ENERGY TRANSITION                    agreement is estimated to reduce CO2
                                                                                equivalent emissions by roughly 28,000 metric
       and royalty interests in            Washington, DC, Maryland             tons when compared to the Environmental
                                                                                Protection Agency – determined industry
       cash and unit transaction           and Virginia to be supplied          average natural gas. According to the EPA
                                                                                GHG equivalencies calculator, this reduction
       Kimbell Royalty Partners, a leading owner   with natural gas certified   is the equivalent of taking approximately 6,000
       of oil and gas mineral and royalty interests                             gas-powered passenger vehicles off the road
       in over 16mn gross acres in 28 states, today   by MiQ                    for one year.
       announced that it has closed the previously                                “With the purchase of a significant batch of
       announced purchase of mineral and royalty   Washington Gas today announced the next   MiQ certified gas, Washington Gas is leading
       interests held by Austin-based Hatch Royalty   step in its commitment to reduce greenhouse   the charge amongst US and global utilities,
       in a cash and unit transaction valued at   gas emissions. The company entered into   and we believe this will encourage others
       approximately $270.7mn. The purchase   transactions with Chesapeake Energy and   to join the initiative of pushing methane
       price for the acquisition was comprised of   Ascent Resources to supply its customers   abatement amongst the oil and gas suppliers,”
       $150.4mn in cash (approximately 56% of the   in the National Capital Region (NCR) with   said Georges Tijbosch, CEO, MiQ.
       total consideration) and approximately 7.3mn   natural gas that is independently certified   “Washington Gas is committed to
       common units of Kimbell Royalty Operating,   by MiQ. MiQ issues a certificate for each   ushering in innovative energy options for
       which are valued at $120.3mn (approximately   1MMBtu of natural gas that represents where   our customers including using fuel sources
       44% of the total consideration). Kimbell is   and when the gas was produced and the   to support decarbonisation. Purchasing gas
       entitled to all cash flow from production   methane intensity of production. Production   from Chesapeake and Ascent that has been
       attributable to the acquired assets since   represents a large portion of natural gas value   certified for lower methane intensity by MiQ
       October 1, 2022. Revenues and certain other   chain emissions, and these can be avoided   represents another tangible action in our
       operating statistics under generally accepted   using existing technology.  commitment to reduce GHG emissions and
       accounting principles will be recorded for the   “We are very pleased to increase our   address climate change,” said Melissa Adams,
       acquisition beginning on the closing date of   procurement of certified natural gas as we   chief corporate social responsibility officer for
       December 15, 2022.                  work to lower the emissions associated   Washington Gas.
         Kimbell estimates that, as of October   with the essential energy we deliver to our   The agreement went into effect on
       1, 2022, the acquired assets produced   customers every day,” said Blue Jenkins,   November 1, 2022 and will be in place
       approximately 2,072 boepd (1,198 bpd of oil,   president of Washington Gas.   through the 2022-23 winter heating season.
       372 bpd of NGLs, and 3,012 mcf per day of   Washington Gas will provide customers   WASHINGTON GAS, December 15, 2022
       natural gas). For the full year 2023, Kimbell   with gas that has been independently audited

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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