Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       TC Energy restarts sections of

       Keystone pipeline following spill

        NORTH AMERICA    TC Energy has restarted operations on sections  officials. The cause of the leak has not yet been
                         of the Keystone pipeline unaffected by the spill  determined.
                         of 14,000 barrels in rural northern Kansas. The   Keystone is considered a crucial pipeline link,
                         Canadian company said that it had told regula-  and its closure has heightened fears of price hikes
                         tors and customers of its plan.      and a tight oil supply, although Canadian crude
                           The section of the pipeline where the spill  prices have been relatively steady even since the
                         happened remains sealed off.         pipeline closure. There is plenty of spare capacity
                           Keystone transports 622,000 barrels per day  in storage hubs in Alberta.
                         (bpd) of crude from the oil sands of Alberta to   There had been fears that a continued halt
                         US refineries.                       to the pipeline flow could push Canadian crude
                           “Today we restarted a section of the Keystone  prices into a deeper discount compared to West
                         pipeline, facilitating the safe transportation of  Texas Intermediate (WTI), ING had noted.
                         energy that North Americans rely on,” tweeted  Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude was trad-
                         TC Energy on December 14. “The affected seg-  ing at a discount of $29 per barrel the day after
                         ment of the pipeline remains isolated as investi-  the spill was discovered compared with $26 per
                         gation and recovery continue.”       barrel the day before,                The section of
                           Operations on Keystone were suspended on   In trading, WCS for January delivery in Hard-
                         December 7. The oil leaked into Mill Creek and  isty was about $29 per barrel below US crude on   the pipeline
                         onto nearby fields in Washington County, Kan-  December 13. A day later, WCS for December
                         sas. The incident represents the worst spill ever  delivery was at $31.40 per barrel below US crude,   where the spill
                         on the pipeline, as well as the worst in the US in  traders told Reuters.
                         10 years.                              The spill occurred about 32 km south of   happened
                           In an update on December 15, TC Energy  where the pipeline diverges into two in Steele   remains sealed
                         said that it had restarted the Keystone section  City, Nebraska.
                         that extends from Hardisty, Alberta to Wood   The PHMSA had permitted certain segments   off.
                         River/Patoka, Illinois. As of the end of the after-  of Keystone to operate at 80% of the maximum
                         noon on December 14, TC Energy had recov-  recommended pressure, instead of the usual
                         ered 3,035 barrels of oil from the creek, and a  72%. The pipeline has to meet certain safety
                         combined 5,567 barrels of both oil and water.  criteria.
                           “The affected segment of the Keystone pipe-  “PHMSA issued the special permit with 51
                         line system remains safely isolated as investiga-  conditions that the agency determined would
                         tion, recovery, repair and remediation continue  offset the risks of operating the relevant Key-
                         to advance. This segment will not be restarted  stone segments at 80% of (the maximum rec-
                         until it is safe to do so and when we have regu-  ommended pressure) in non-high consequence
                         latory approval from PHMSA [the US Pipeline  areas,” says the Government Accountability
                         and Hazardous Materials Safety Administra-  Office in a report. “PHMSA did not allow TC
                         tion],” said the company.            Energy to fully operate Keystone at this higher
                           The clean-up will take weeks, according to  stress level until 2017,” the report added.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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