Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       DOWNSTREAM                          Refinery in Rodeo, California, into one of the   workflows of the value chain in one software
                                           world’s largest renewable fuels facilities. The   platform. Apache sought to partner with an
       Phillips 66 announces 2023          conversion will reduce emissions from the   organisation that delivers exemplary customer
                                                                                support and ongoing customer-driven
                                           facility and produce lower carbon-intensity
       capital programme                   transportation fuels. Refining growth capital   solution modernisation.
                                           will also support opportunities for high-
                                                                                  Omnira’s commitment to MOSAIC’s
       Phillips 66 today announced a 2023 capital   return, low-capital projects to improve asset   performance, platform flexibility,
       programme of $2bn, including $865mn for   reliability and market capture.  implementation expertise, and client support
       sustaining capital and $1.1bn for growth   The Marketing and Specialties capital   were key aspects of the decision. MOSAIC’s
       capital. Approximately 50% of growth capital   plan reflects the continued development and   intelligent framework will enable timely
       supports lower-carbon opportunities. The   enhancement of the company’s retail network,   access, collaboration and decision support
       capital programme is consistent with the   including energy transition opportunities.  to Apache stakeholders and management
       company’s commitment to maintain a $2bn   Corporate and Other capital will primarily   in crucial decision-making activities and
       annual budget through 2024.         fund digital transformation and information   reserves reporting.
         “The 2023 capital programme reflects   technology projects.              “We expect MOSAIC to play a
       our ongoing commitment to capital     Phillips 66’s proportionate share of capital   significant role in streamlining our reserves
       discipline,” said Mark Lashier, President   spending by joint ventures Chevron Phillips   reconciliation processes and make our
       and CEO of Phillips 66. “Through our   Chemical Company (CPChem) and WRB   business more efficient,” said Mark Bender,
       Business Transformation, we are capturing   Refining is expected to total $1.1bn and be   Apache’s director of reserves.
       $200mn of sustaining capital efficiencies   self-funded.                   “Apache is an early visionary, identifying
       while prioritising safety and reliability. We   PHILLIPS 66, December 09, 2022  the need for a value chain-centric solution to
       are also investing in returns-focused growth                             optimise important workflows and enhance
       opportunities, including enhancing our NGL                               efficiency,” said Francisco Gomez, CEO of
       platform and converting our Rodeo facility to   SERVICES                 Omnira Software. “We are excited to be
       produce lower-carbon renewable fuels.                                    working with Apache and are confident that
         “Additionally, the capital programme   Apache selects Omnira           MOSAIC’s comprehensive, single solution and
       supports our commitment to return $10-12bn                               unmatched SLA-driven client support will
       to shareholders between the second half of   Software for reserves       support Apache’s requirements.”
       2022 and the end of 2024 through a secure,                               OMNIRA SOFTWARE, December 13, 2022
       competitive and growing dividend and share   management
         The Midstream capital plan of $639mn   Omnira Software, the creator of MOSAIC,   MOVES
       comprises $329mn for sustaining projects   the market leader in providing solutions
       and $310mn for growth projects. Growth   for reserves management and petroleum   Greenfire Resources and
       capital will be directed toward enhancing the   economics, announces that Apache, a global
       company’s integrated NGL value chain from   leader in the exploration and production of   M3-Brigade Acquisition III
       wellhead to market. The Midstream expected   oil and natural gas, has selected MOSAIC to
       spend includes 100% of DCP Midstream’s   modernise its reserve management process.  announce $950mn business
       sustaining capital of $150mn and $125mn of   Based in Houston, Apache explores for and
       growth capital.                     produces oil and natural gas in the US, Egypt,   combination
         In Refining, Phillips 66 plans to invest   and the UK.
       $1.1bn, including $389mn for reliability,   To standardise and digitalise its workflows   Greenfire Resources, a Calgary-based
       safety and environmental projects. Refining   for economics and reserves management,   energy company focused on the sustainable
       growth capital of $729mn includes the   Apache envisioned a unified, innovative   production and development of thermal
       continuing conversion of the San Francisco   approach to handle multiple and varied   energy resources from the Athabasca
                                                                                region of Alberta, Canada, and M3-Brigade
                                                                                Acquisition III, a New York Stock Exchange
                                                                                listed special purpose acquisition company
                                                                                (MBSC), announced today that they have
                                                                                entered into a definitive agreement for a
                                                                                business combination that values Greenfire
                                                                                at US$950mn. The closing of the business
                                                                                combination is expected to occur in Q2
                                                                                2023 and upon closing Greenfire Resources
                                                                                Ltd (GRL) will become the parent of both
                                                                                Greenfire and MSBC. GRL is a newly created
                                                                                corporation incorporated under the laws of
                                                                                the province of Alberta to participate in the
                                                                                business combination. Following completion
                                                                                of the business combination, GRL is expected
                                                                                to continue to be managed by Greenfire’s
                                                                                current executive team. The combined

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