Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil, Chevron unveil plans

       to raise spending in 2023

       US-based super-majors ExxonMobil and Chevron have announced plans to raise their

       capital expenditures next year

        US               US-BASED super-majors ExxonMobil and  This includes more than $4bn earmarked for
                         Chevron have announced their plans to increase  development in the Permian Basin and around
       WHAT:             capital expenditures in 2023. Their moves come  $2bn for other shale and tight assets. Chevron
       Chevron and ExxonMobil   on the back of record profits achieved recently,  noted that more than 20% of its upstream capex
       are both raising their   bolstered by higher oil prices, but also against  budget was for projects in the Gulf of Mexico.
       capex budgets next year.  the backdrop of rising energy production costs.   The company’s lower carbon budget, mean-
                         Additionally, the capex budget increases come  while, includes $500mn allocated to lowering
       WHY:              as US President Joe Biden continues to call for  the intensity of its traditional operations and
       The super-majors are   producers to invest more in domestic output.  around $1bn for raising its renewable fuel pro-
       responding to various   At the same time, the two companies’  duction capacity.
       trends and pressures.  announcements illustrate their ongoing com-  “We’re maintaining capital discipline while
                         mitment to improving shareholder returns, and  investing to grow both traditional and new
       WHAT NEXT:        moves to invest more in production will be bal-  energy supplies,” stated Chevron’s chairman and
       Both companies remain   anced against this commitment.  CEO, Mike Wirth. “Our 2023 capex budgets are
       committed to improving                                 consistent with our long-term plans to safely
       investor returns.  Chevron                             deliver higher returns and lower carbon.”
                         Chevron said in its 2023 budget announcement,   Chevron’s spending is higher than it was
                         unveiled on December 7, that it was raising its  over 2020-21, but still considerably below
                         capex for next year by more than 25%, excluding  the $30bn per year budgets it averaged over
                         acquisitions, to $17bn. This consists of $14bn for  2012-19. Nonetheless, the budget increase
                         consolidated subsidiaries and $3bn for equity  aligns with Biden administration calls for
                         affiliates.                          more investment into new production. Wirth
                           Notable  items  in  the  company’s  budget  also noted that the super-major’s spending is
                         include around $2bn earmarked for lower car-  considerably more efficient than it had been in
                         bon spending – more than double the amount  previous years, with Chevron producing more
                         for 2022. Additionally, the super-major said  per dollar invested.
                         that of the $11.5bn allocated to global upstream   However, the spending increase does not
                         capex, $8bn would go to projects in the US.  come at the expense of the company’s focus on

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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